Uploaded my game to Google Play with API 26 /can't open/ do I need to buy new cellphone (Andriod 8)?
I have done the BUILD RC and successfully uploaded my app to Google Play, but, when I try to download the new version of my game, it says it's not compatible with my device (Galaxy J7.... I'm guessing that's an Andriod 7?)
Any ideas? Or do I actually have to buy an Andriod 8 to play my game?
... why doesn't anyone answer this question?
It's the weekend, even we need to rest sometimes
So I'm not sure about your particular device, but we set target API to 26 and 16 is the minimum SDK.
So Android 7 should be good.
Unfortunately, API 26 is now required for the Google Play store as well as some of our ad networks, so if it doesn't work, we'll need to do some more digging.
FYI, I've been developing against an Android 5.1.1 phone.
@adent42 Thanks for the response.
My andriod phone says it is a 6.0.1 version... so perhaps I would need a new phone.