There was a problem parsing the package
Hi everyone,
I just got back to GS & trying to build an android app. Done it before and released projects to the play store etc.
The problem I'm facing is this old favourite:
'There was a problem parsing the package'
I feel I've exhausted my list of possible avenues to fix this.
Also searched in the forums and have found advice but hasn't worked out.
- Updated Android SDK's
- Updated Android hardware
- Allow my phone to accept apps from unknown sources
- Latest GS software
- Installed Java SE Development Kit 8u172
- Followed GS instructions for Android publishing and setup.
- Using signed APK but also tried unsigned.
I must be missing something but cannot work out what it is?
have you solved this, i'm having the same problem
Maybe try uninstalling the Java files and then re-installing them? What part in the process did you get this at?
hey, budy, I find a link telling how to fix parse error on android phone, maybe that can help you. just try it.