New AdMob Test ID Functionality on iOS

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200
edited April 2018 in News from the Dev Team

Admob has the concept of test Device Ad IDs during development.

For the next engine release (coming soon™), I've put in code to set the test Device Ad IDs if your are app is running with a development provisioning profile. (The current engine never sets it, or rather just set it with GameSalad internal Device Ad IDs).

This means that while developing you will not be able to see 'production' admob ads. On the plus side, it means that you can always confirm that 'admob' is working in our build by seeing test ads.

Anyone have any objections?


  • barleyesqbarleyesq Member Posts: 72

    Sounds good. On a related note. Does GS support rewarded videos AND interstitials from Admob or just one or the other?

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