Camera following actor in lower 3rd of screen
Is there a way to make the camera follow your actor at the lower 3rd of the screen? I moved the camera origin under the scene cam setting but doesn't seem to do anything. A screen shot would be very appreciated.
Yes, a screenshot would be appreciated. It isn't clear from your description what exactly you want to happen.
How does your actor move around? Did you manually adjust the cam origin? How large is your scene and the camera.
We. Need. More. Info.
pretty straight forward question. not sure how to be more clear. need the cam to constrain to actor in the lower 3rd of the screen. maybe visual ref may help.
Looks like the issue is;
the camera dead-zone adjustment handles are not independent and are constrained to the middle of the sense. (using the Camera Mode/ Actor Mode)
-in the sense tab- go to, Camera-> origin then edit the attributes to how you need.

there are ways to make the camera follow an actor without being limited to the center screen. like in this video
i downloaded the project file from the demo but problem is the program is for X axis movement. i need Y axis movement. > @Bunker said: it's clear what you need.
So basically, you want the actor to STAY in the bottom 3rd of the screen and at the same time to control the camera.
Unfortunately, GS does not support an offset for the camera's Tracking Area, that's always centred on the screen.
So, what you need to do is to have a second actor to control the camera.
Also, make a Game Attribute, call it player_Y and in the player actor constrain game.player_Y to the actor's Y position.
Then in the camera control actor, constrain the actor's Y position to game.player_Y + [X]. Also make this actor invisible.
Try a couple different values for [X] and see the effect. Choose the distance that works the best.