drag and drop issues
Hi. Game salad is for my son and he is having a problem. Every time he goes to drag and drop. My computer puts the game salad screen to the background(minimized) and brings up my home screen. Soon as he lets go of the left mouse button, the game salad screen comes back. What is wrong with my settings or computer?
@duncangallacher What kind of file (image/sound) is he trying to drag in? What is the extension on it .jpg .png .ogg .mp4 etc
A keyboard key may be stuck down (even if it looks up) so that when he's dragging and dropping he's actually doing another function. Might can just restart. If it still happens the mouse or keyboard keys may have been altered.
Preferences > Keyboard will let you change em back to default. Bringing up the LaunchPad (showing home screen apps) and showing Mission Control can be configured here as well.
It is when he goes to drag an actor onto a stage. He has a pink block as his actor and the stage is a blue background. He had previously had worked on a game in Gamesalad and had a created game. When he went back to edit his original game this drag and drop issue started. He hasn't used Gamesalad for some time for that reason. Started a completely new game tonight and has the same issue. I use a Windows 10 setup and I am not sure if this is an OS issue. Or if one of us inadvertently changed a setting on the computer that is causing this. Just to clarify, the screen that it takes us to is our Desktop screen.
Update. My son has figured out that when the gamesalad minimizes and the desktop appears, that if he continues to hold down the left mouse button and goes over the bottom task bar icon for gamesalad. The screen is restored and he can place the actor on the stage. I am certain that it's a setting on my computer, but have no clue what got changed. More of the electrical hardware expert not software. If anyone has an idea on what could have happened, feel free to let me know. Thanks.
@duncangallacher Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that is strange. The only other time I've seen actor dragging problems was back in THIS thread. You may actually be dragging actors into the scene but invisibly. And then, of course, you have the added issue of the window minimizing.
Double check if actors are being moved into the scene on the Layers Tab. You'll see your actor objects listed in a hierarchical view on that tab. I don't know how to solve the window moving issue but at least we can see if actors are actually inserting anywhere.
EDIT: Oh, nice! That's certainly a pain but at least actors can be moved in.
It sounds like he's activating Exposé. Go to System Preferences, click on Mission Control, click on Hot Corners, and then make sure all four drop-down menus are set to none (-). Then click OK and close System Preferences. See if that helps.
I work in IT and I'm 99% sure this is unrelated to GameSalad.
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It does sound like Exposé but he's on Windows 10.
Oops! Sorry about that. Nevermind what I said above. Never trust anyone in IT either...
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