Admob banners 0% match rate
My admob banner ads aren't resulting in any impressions, this issue only occurs on IOS however as the ads are working fine on android. I would appreciate any help you can offer.
My admob banner ads aren't resulting in any impressions, this issue only occurs on IOS however as the ads are working fine on android. I would appreciate any help you can offer.
I'd recommend getting in touch with AdMob with this issue. When you open your app, do you actually see the ads?
No, they're not being displayed to the user at all. But my AdMob account shows that the ad unit is making requests so it's weird. I'll trying getting in touch with AdMob, thanks.
You managed to overcome the problem?
Hi, sorry for taking so long to notice that post.
The issue is that they don't show up during AdHoc testing but they will in fact display
when the app goes live.
So if your AdMob account is getting requests but no impressions you should be fine
to publish regardless.