Unable to connect to publish server (Windows Creator)
in Tech Support
Hi, since 2 days my Windows Creator can't publish anymore. When "Announcing upload" there's an error windows "Unable to connect to publish server".
I also use Mac Creator and that one is working fine. Are there any server issues while working with Windows Creator?
We were having issues yesterday but I thought the issues were fixed. I'll poke the team to see if there's an issue.
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I had this issue as well, I had to save the project as a .zip file and then upload it as a new game under my portfolio. I also have been issues with Ad-Hoc testing, I'm not sure if the two are related.
I am having problems too. The issues are not fixed yet.
The new publishing server are still having some growing pains. I've added some more to help out, but if you still see issues. 1) PM me. If I happen to be on, i can check and confirm. 2) If I don't reply, just give it about 10 minutes and try again.
yes it is still not yet fixed. If I use the upload page on the website, all text are not showing. Completely different from using the gamesalad builder, I upload 2 same exact zip and resulting different between using the gamesalad builder and the upload page
Glad to report that it has been fixed