Unable to connect to publish server (Windows Creator)

khanprodkhanprod Member, PRO Posts: 1

Hi, since 2 days my Windows Creator can't publish anymore. When "Announcing upload" there's an error windows "Unable to connect to publish server".
I also use Mac Creator and that one is working fine. Are there any server issues while working with Windows Creator?



  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    We were having issues yesterday but I thought the issues were fixed. I'll poke the team to see if there's an issue.

  • ryanb4257ryanb4257 Member Posts: 24

    I had this issue as well, I had to save the project as a .zip file and then upload it as a new game under my portfolio. I also have been issues with Ad-Hoc testing, I'm not sure if the two are related.

  • lfrmillanlfrmillan Member, PRO Posts: 1

    I am having problems too. The issues are not fixed yet.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    The new publishing server are still having some growing pains. I've added some more to help out, but if you still see issues. 1) PM me. If I happen to be on, i can check and confirm. 2) If I don't reply, just give it about 10 minutes and try again.

  • ngalihpisgratisngalihpisgratis Member Posts: 2

    yes it is still not yet fixed. If I use the upload page on the website, all text are not showing. Completely different from using the gamesalad builder, I upload 2 same exact zip and resulting different between using the gamesalad builder and the upload page

  • ngalihpisgratisngalihpisgratis Member Posts: 2

    Glad to report that it has been fixed :)

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