Relink this Tutorial from the cookbook....
What happened to this wonderful tutorial by @Armelline?
Can someone relink the missing images.
I come back to this tutorial from time to time when I'm in the mood for strange expression editor stuffs,,, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. This is part of the cookbook and is super useful...
Blob here is the actual tutorial
Thank you @blob ....(Still this could be updated in the cookbook.
@blob Yes many things need to be updated in the cookbook!

@blob i love you
@blob I love you too, you're the best

I was just wondering the other day "what happened to blob?"
Glad your still kicking around.
@Toque so glad you are here too. Your mediocre games and poor grammar sets the bar so low makes the rest of us look good.
Blob just told me that Toque made him laugh.....
@blob That's true......
this is some inception kinda stuff........
(Of course I'm still here, working on a grand master plan...)
@blob are you planning to take over the world?