need help with tiler mechanic ideas
Hey math teacher here, been spending summer designing some math games for iOS and I'm having trouble getting this one rolling. I'm looking for a game mechanic that's fun and also teaches students about fractions, decimals, and percentages and the fact that they are all different representations of the same value.
I was curious if you all had any ideas? If so, I'd love to hear them. I posted a video here with what I have so far.
Also, if anyone has questions about games and math education, please consider me a resource and feel free to post here or PM me with any questions.
My idea would be to have levels and make it like candy crush.
Have it so a player has to collect/merge a certain amount of fractions.
For example.
To pass level1. They need to create 5 lots of 100% and 5 lots of 50%. Once a tile reaches this tile on the board, it is removed.
This gives you an option to create all sorts of levels. You can have a level that requires 20 lots of 60%. Or 1 of every fraction.
It also provides a very straight forward end goal, so students are not too confused on what they need to do.
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