Problem to get Leaderboard to work, advice needed.
I need some tips on what can be wrong here, i got it to work on my test but from Amazon they say its not respond when try to open leaderboard.
- Install and launch the app.
- Select Leader boards.
Actual Result: Observe that app button is not responding. We have logged in and waited for a long time. Also on pressing the home button the Game circle overlay appears(This shows its logged in) but the leader-board button does not respond.
Expected Result: All buttons of the app should respond properly.
- Select Leader boards.
Are there any known issue with GameCircle , anybody that have published with leaderboard or IAP to Amazon lately?
Personally I don't use amazon leaderboards anymore as I handle all my leaderboards through @Hopscotch 's appformative servers these days but here is a thought:
Have you set up a security profile in amazon for the app and generated an API key and entered it into your GS console under the amazon section?
Yes i have, but there must be something i missed, last test-build i tested on my FireTV i had "platform login" on my leader button......when you pressed leader ~ 5 sec you get logged in then you must press again to see leader.
After that test i moved login to main menu & resubmit to Amazon but still i got rejected, and like they say , they are logged in but nothing happen when try to see leader
But i have a score posted when i look on Amazon portal
I have the same problem,when press the button is not responding, not login and not show nothing
The problem is gamesalad or iap amazon
@ForumNinja is this something you can look up?
Last respond from Amazon
Thank you for writing in.
The app should take the Game circle login automatically on launch, and in this case it does.
As the Game Circle login happens automatically there is no need for a separate login menu.
The app on launch displays the whisper sync pop up message for Game circle which is correct.
Also the app is linked to Game circle, on pressing the home button the Game circle overlay appears as expected.
Now the issue is only with the Leader- board button.
Try linking the button action to the Game Circle pop up.
I need same feedback here @ForumNinja @bdusing @adent42
Im still trying to get this to work, any advice?
Everytime i want to show API key on Amazon its change itself, anybody else noticed that?