The IAP for GooglePlay doesn't work?
in Tech Support
Hey guys, I set the in app purchase as the pics show, but there's still no response when I try the button in the game. It didn't got any message or linking to google store. Is there any mistake I made? Could anyone please teach me>.<?
I have use the phone to test the apk, but it seems no respone from store and the app keeps set to purchased. I never pay, but getting the item all the time.
the IAP was worked one time, which can connect the google, i can use my test account to buy the item, afterwards, i have receive the google email about this test. but, i don't know why it just work for one time..
It's confusing are you trying to make it consumable or non consumable ?
If its non- consumable ( You only buy it once , for example , remove ad)
step 1
step 2
step 3
thats it
If its a consumable item , (you can buy it more than once ( example buy 100 coins))
step 1 ( This behavior needs to be called once in a scene , if you had this behavior on another actor then skip this step)
step 2
thats it hope it makes sense