Error 1 publishing problems

Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148
edited May 2017 in Tech Support

I am having an issue creating a build for Apple. I am getting an error 1 that talks about extra finder information being attached to the file. Apparently this is something that is new to the new OS and if you were to do a "show package contents" (guilty) that it adds extra finder info to the file. Was wondering if anyone has run into this and if they had found and understand a fix. The one i find when Googled, doesn't completely make sense to me.

here is the actual error. Code Signing Error 1: /var/folders/j6/q5kdtf4n7dv9w2p0d2msz8q00000gq/T/GameSalad0/2/ replacing existing signature
/var/folders/j6/q5kdtf4n7dv9w2p0d2msz8q00000gq/T/GameSalad0/2/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Thanks so much !!!


  • Agent ArgyleAgent Argyle Member, PRO Posts: 188
    edited January 2018

    Me too, with GS. 1.25.85 and Xcode 9.2 on High Sierra

    You can find information at but not sure it helps because it suggests running a terminal command on the build before signing it, which seems tricky given that the build is downloaded fresh from GS each time you try to sign. I suppose you could try to sign it manually after cleaning the build with the terminal command, but in my case the command did not yield any information about any extra info that needed to be cleaned, so not sure that would work either.

  • badcomicsbadcomics Member Posts: 30

    Me too! Help ASAP.

    I got:

    Signing Error 1: /var/folders/v3/z_lwlcf51937wzx5x8yxxn880000hd/T/GameSalad0/1/Baby Frogs - Frog replacing existing signature
    /var/folders/v3/z_lwlcf51937wzx5x8yxxn880000hd/T/GameSalad0/1/Baby Frogs - Frog unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380
    edited February 2018

    Sounds like you have extra .DS_store files in your project file. Removing them is fairly straightforward, but requires digging and finding the hidden files. This obviously can't be done via Finder, as that's what's adding the files in the first place, so it needs to be done via Terminal.


    Open a Terminal window. Type the following:


    Add a space after cd, then drag your project file onto the Finder window.


    ls -la

    This will list all the files. If you see a .ds_store file in that list, it needs to be deleted. Delete it using rm.

    rm .DS_Store

    Be careful! rm will delete anything you tell it to, without warning.

    If you went into other folders using finder, you'll need to remove .DS_Store files from them too. Change to a new folder using cd again:

    cd images

    Then do the ls -la command again, and look for .DS_Store files. Repeat for all directories you might have gone into using Finder, and delete the files using rm.

  • JapsterJapster Member Posts: 672
    edited February 2018

    @Armelline said:
    Add a space after cd, then drag your project file onto the Finder window.

    Great info as always @Armelline - just one thing do make double sure, did you mean:-

    "Add a space after cd, then drag your project file onto the Terminal window." - I know it's obvious to us, but just thought given the ease of manual stuff going wrong for people unfamiliar with a Terminal / manual / commandline process, best to correct it above if so, so they don't get confused when it doesn't go as expected... :warning:

    All the best!

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380
    edited February 2018

    @Japster said:

    @Armelline said:
    Add a space after cd, then drag your project file onto the Finder window.

    Great info as always @Armelline - just one thing do make double sure, did you mean:-

    "Add a space after cd, then drag your project file onto the Terminal window." - I know it's obvious to us, but just thought given the ease of manual stuff going wrong for people unfamiliar with a Terminal / manual / commandline process, best to correct it above if so, so they don't get confused when it doesn't go as expected... :warning:

    All the best!

    Well spotted! Shall correct! Didn't notice at all that I'd transposed those two!

    Edit: Cannot edit the post. @Braydon_SFX could you make the correction for me please?

  • Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148

    this fix has never worked and this continues to be a problem for me every time i try to publish for IOS. has anyone been able to fix the problem?

  • Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148

    I continue to have this issue. Its not project specific or OS specific and I cant seem to fix. it makes publishing horribly tedious

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    For the short term you can use the main generate, as I promoted the old RC. We're still looking into this, but anything anyone finds will be helpful.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    I don't know if this will fix the issue (I haven't gotten that particular issue), but I put in a publishing fix to remove .DS_Store file and I ran the command line to remove resource fork info from all of the builds and redeployed them. You should just need to regenerate.

  • Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148

    @adent42 so i apologize for not knowing what the "main generate" is , but if you mean just the standard publishing through GameSalad. I get the same error

    This has been an issue for quite a while for me and the workarounds are very time consuming :). Thank you so much for any insight, etc

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