interstitial admob !
hello any body can help me how i make interstitial admob in my game test ? becuze in future i need Buy pro account but i dont know this app gamesalad support the ads interstitial admob or not just banner?
if supported how i make it the interstitial ?
like this in image full screen
Yes. Admob does intersticial adds. At change scene or pause behavior.
@Toque but how i make it ?? i follow this step
make actor input show banner
service -go to admob i input the code id of interstitial
then i go down in the (android) and i mark to interstitial ads admob
when i install to phone i dont see the interstitial !!
Interstitials are easy.
Scene change select add.
During publishing on services select admob.
Copy on admob site the add code.
Paste the code.
Publish and it should show. Might take a few minutes.
There is a few times it wouldn't show add for me. I would just make another campaign and new code.
@Toque i make this steps but i swear not showing to me . i make another code and not showing
i wait 13m and not showing i restart the phone and not showing
when i make new update the version app in my phone its worked verey thnx