Reduce Lag on my project
I am working on a game that requires levels to have a lot of objects(actors). Most of the objects have attributes inside that detect distance between the player and object to make an appear and disappear animation. The scene is long 20000+. My game starts to lag when a huge amount of objects appear and I notice the music on the game has a delay. Need help to reduce lag in game
It doesn't sound like you're necessarily doing anything wrong. Having a lot of actors doing calculations (and possibly using constraints) in a large scene with music is going to produce lag.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Music shouldn't produce lag as it's streamed by dedicated hardware on the device, rather than being handled by the processor and/or loaded into RAM ?
Good point, @Socks. I guess I wasn't sure if it was music or sounds.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Is there any possible solution or any tips to reduce lag?
My last project had quite a few performance issues and I had to do quite a bit of optimisation.
not sure how to best explain so attaching an example of actor with 2 rules that could be combined.
Did you test on ios or android ? how many devices did you test on ? are they old or new ?
@Icebox I haven't test it on any device, I test them on the gamesalad preview. @MusicBoutique I will try to remove any unnecessary rules.
Thank you
Gamesalad preview is not indicative of device performance.
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