I can't Move Actors into Tags

So I am just working on my game right now but I cant get the tags to work. I have the actor page open with all of my actors in front of me, but whenever I try to drag an actor into a tag it may not go in. It works for some actors but doesn't work for others, it may be that I am using a macbook's touchpad and I need a mouse, but if this has happened to you, advice would be great, thanks.


  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

    This is happening to me as well. I can't find a reason why either. Anyone know if this is a bug?

    Miss Faith 🙎


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! 🤪

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,195

    What macOS version are you on and what version number of GameSalad are you using?

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