Now available on the App Store roll call
Looks like a number of games are being announced in this forum. Fantastic! I'm enjoying reading about them. Even if you post a thread about your game, I'd like to see a thread with all announcements and links in one place.
Please post your App Store game url here, with the date release. I'd like to get them all and try them out. Thanks!
Please post your App Store game url here, with the date release. I'd like to get them all and try them out. Thanks!
Singularity Drive: Prologue - Released October 8th 2009:
Will edit this post as new games are approved to keep things tidy!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Oh Nuts - Released October 6th 2009:
Jumpin Jacks (Same game different graphics - Halloween twist) Released - October 19th 2009:
I've got 2 more on deck - and no they're not "Oh Nuts" variations
and i got one waiting for approval:)
Seems I can't edit my post, so here's another fresh of the presses:
Black Cat Halloween - released October 20th, 2009
Look for the announcement post as I'll be giving away codes to peeps
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
when is bugzone going to be available?
looks fun
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
Hope you enjoy it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Well Done! Such a simple concept, easy to play, and nicely different. My only critiques would be the lack of "reward" for doing well. I'd like to see maybe different backgrounds, or levels. I think you should put a little more thought into the typography in the next release... just seemed a little untidy (but this from a graphic designer who is always critical of such things).
That said, this is the game I'll probably play most of this group. I think by not trying to push the limits of Game Salad, you have created a lovely little distraction.
Singularity Drive:
Nice idea and graphics. I didn't like having to move the ship with touch as I was always covering the ship or some other part of the active area... which is limited with the top and bottom margins. It also took me a minute to figure out how to control it. Although the touch capability is cool in the iPhone, I think this is a case where use of "up" "down" buttons in the non active bar at the bottom would work better.
Jewel "master" Madness:
Nice graphics, nice idea. I like the idea that it is so simple, no instructions are needed.
I think the commenter on the app store was over the top... but I'll agree that it would be nice to have some variation in speed or number or something. Maybe more levels with a variation in graphics. But basically pretty cool. A picky thing, but it seems like the music loop was a little clipped. I think a fade down and up would make the loop smoother.
Mum's Kitchen:
Nice graphics... very nice. I have the same critique here as with Singularity Drive... to move the "eater" you have to cover it up with you finger... completely. I think control buttons would have worked much better. Also, I know the font works with the illustration style very well, but at the smaller sizes in the instructions it was a bit hard to read. It works well for the larger headlines, but I think a sans serif for the small type would read easier.
Just my thoughts, nothing personal guys (and since I payed 99¢, I fell I can critique).
Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to more.
However, I think you'll find that you can touch anywhere above and below the ship to move it. You don't have to have your finger over it!
Thanks though, all feedback gratefully received!
Edit: @iphonegamerz - when I make $1000 in a day, I'll let you know - otherwise, it's all top secret for now
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I've just played a couple minutes, but first impression is very positive. I have a bad habit of jumping in to play before reading instructions. If I can play without instructions, I think that is a sign of a very good game. It only took me a minute to figure out the "firewall" thing. I like the simple large "left" and "right" buttons and the graphics are stimulating.
Again, nice job.
Released Oct 30th
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