Release the Kraken!!! Attack of the Kraken now available on the App Store!!! :D
Hello everyone!
Yes, it's another Kraken thread!
Been sleeping odd hours, so I just got up (5am here) and found that Apple has released the Kraken! (I always wanted to say that!).
So, here's an iTunes link:
From a GameSalad point of view:
*56 separate scenes
*191 Actors
*450 images
*217 variables
And game info below:
Battle across the earth and into outer space and beyond in this unique and epic retro style 2D shooter from Quantum Sheep!
***PLEASE NOTE - Only compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod 3rd gen and iPad***
"Over a period of several days, the Meteors fell, landing in the Earth's deep oceans. Unbeknownst to humanity, the invasion had already started..."
*Inspired by classic games such as Attack of the Mutant Camels, Defender and Time Pilot, as well as John Wyndham's classic novel 'The Kraken Wakes'
*16 beautifully drawn levels to battle in
*More than 10 different enemy types, including five UFO variants and four huge Kraken!
*Pilot the experimental Titan Rocket across seven different environments, including cityscapes and outer space!
*Innovative scoring system - the better your shield strength, the more points-per-hit you get!
*Destroy an enemy with maximum shields to get a perfect kill!
*Research - Perfect Kills add research points against an enemy type. Fully researched enemies are easier to kill!
*Perfect for quick goes or longer play sessions - play a level to try and gain research points, or take the whole game on at once!
*A compelling narrative that propels the action forward
*Look out for sci-fi references scattered around the levels
*Two difficulty levels - play on hard for double the points and harder and faster enemies, but with only three lives instead of five!
*Epic Soundtrack by Kevin Macleod
*Two control methods to choose from, with controllable opacity
Check out the sneak peek video here:

and launch trailer here:

Take control of the experimental Titan Rocket ship and battle against the huge Kraken as they rise from the oceans and make their way across land, threatening all before them!
It's up to you to fight back against the alien menace! Can you save the world and defeat the Kraken Queen on her homeworld?
Good luck, pilot!
Further details:
The Kraken themselves are huge monstrosities, armed with homing missiles. Can you survive their relentless march towards their targets? Can you stop them?
As well as Kraken there are also UFOs to deal with, that perform different functions (Jammers, for instance, disrupt your radar until they're damaged enough).
The scoring system is tied to your shields:
At Maximum shields, you get maximum points for each hit.
If your shields are damaged, you get progressively less points for each hit.
Destroying a 'Regenerator' UFO kill will put your shields back up to maximum!
Additionally, destroying an enemy while your shields are at Max gets you a 'Perfect Kill' for that enemy.
Each Perfect Kill adds to your research, and a fully researched enemy will make them easier to kill, as well as possibly stopping a certain trait (i.e. the jammer UFOs mentioned before would no longer be able to disrupt your radar).
I hope you guys like it! Any questions/comments I'll be happy to respond to here!
Cheers everyone! Hope you like it!
Yes, it's another Kraken thread!
Been sleeping odd hours, so I just got up (5am here) and found that Apple has released the Kraken! (I always wanted to say that!).
So, here's an iTunes link:
From a GameSalad point of view:
*56 separate scenes
*191 Actors
*450 images
*217 variables
And game info below:
Battle across the earth and into outer space and beyond in this unique and epic retro style 2D shooter from Quantum Sheep!
***PLEASE NOTE - Only compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod 3rd gen and iPad***
"Over a period of several days, the Meteors fell, landing in the Earth's deep oceans. Unbeknownst to humanity, the invasion had already started..."
*Inspired by classic games such as Attack of the Mutant Camels, Defender and Time Pilot, as well as John Wyndham's classic novel 'The Kraken Wakes'
*16 beautifully drawn levels to battle in
*More than 10 different enemy types, including five UFO variants and four huge Kraken!
*Pilot the experimental Titan Rocket across seven different environments, including cityscapes and outer space!
*Innovative scoring system - the better your shield strength, the more points-per-hit you get!
*Destroy an enemy with maximum shields to get a perfect kill!
*Research - Perfect Kills add research points against an enemy type. Fully researched enemies are easier to kill!
*Perfect for quick goes or longer play sessions - play a level to try and gain research points, or take the whole game on at once!
*A compelling narrative that propels the action forward
*Look out for sci-fi references scattered around the levels
*Two difficulty levels - play on hard for double the points and harder and faster enemies, but with only three lives instead of five!
*Epic Soundtrack by Kevin Macleod
*Two control methods to choose from, with controllable opacity
Check out the sneak peek video here:

and launch trailer here:

Take control of the experimental Titan Rocket ship and battle against the huge Kraken as they rise from the oceans and make their way across land, threatening all before them!
It's up to you to fight back against the alien menace! Can you save the world and defeat the Kraken Queen on her homeworld?
Good luck, pilot!
Further details:
The Kraken themselves are huge monstrosities, armed with homing missiles. Can you survive their relentless march towards their targets? Can you stop them?
As well as Kraken there are also UFOs to deal with, that perform different functions (Jammers, for instance, disrupt your radar until they're damaged enough).
The scoring system is tied to your shields:
At Maximum shields, you get maximum points for each hit.
If your shields are damaged, you get progressively less points for each hit.
Destroying a 'Regenerator' UFO kill will put your shields back up to maximum!
Additionally, destroying an enemy while your shields are at Max gets you a 'Perfect Kill' for that enemy.
Each Perfect Kill adds to your research, and a fully researched enemy will make them easier to kill, as well as possibly stopping a certain trait (i.e. the jammer UFOs mentioned before would no longer be able to disrupt your radar).
I hope you guys like it! Any questions/comments I'll be happy to respond to here!
Cheers everyone! Hope you like it!

Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I am determined to beat the whole game!!! Good luck with it, I can definitely see after playing it for a while how much hard work you put into it, and hopefully it will pay off. Will leave a 5 star review!! Congrats!!
Just clear the first level, still testing!
Let me know how you get on!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It was never tested on an iPhone 2G as I don't have one!
And it would crash on my 1st gen ipod touch, so I assumed it wouldn't work on a 2G.
Let me know how it does!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Plays great on my 3gs and my son's ipod (whatever the first one was that had a speaker, may be the current one... not sure)
I'll be honest, while working on my current project and having a new baby I doubt ill actually get to really dive into it... Heck I have never even played a single game on my ps3, ever!
But, what i did play is fantastic.
Pro only feature: $666.67 USD us what an upside down custom logo goes for these days i guess.
I'll be curious to see how people accept the controls.
I think it's great and I'm sure most gamers will too but, i can see the pod crowd throwing some 1 stars here and there about it.
There is def a learning curve with it.
Right out the gate i slammed into the ground like 5 times in a row. but, i can't even beat one boss on megaman these days. Which is sad considering I picked up megaman 2 almost the day it came out and had already beaten it before bed lol.
nice job and good luck
I was just able to download the game for my 1st gen ipod touch.
It runs. But badly.
I can still play the game, but there are control issues and firing issues and framerate issues. The kind of thing Hachiko points out here:
The game is designed for 3GS and upwards. This means:
iPod 3rd gen
iPhone 3GS
On these machines it should run fine. Anything below that I can't vouch for.
What's annoying me is that you shouldn't be able to even download it if you don't have an arm7 device - and as James suggests, I'm sure I'll pick up some one stars from people who didn't read the description and struggled with the game because it's not built to play on their machines.
@James - if you get a moment, try control style 'B' (go to options - it should be there). Let me know what you think
Cheers everyone. As of writing, Attack of the Kraken is on top of the new releases page on the app store when I look on my device!
It's been a good start!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
The only downer I'm having today is being worried that people can download the game onto devices it's not designed for.
If you don't like the game on a 3GS and above, then fair enough, I can take that!
But if it gets slammed by people on older devices - I just think that would be a tad harsh
Anyway - VERY excited! VERY proud! Lite version next week, and more promotion stuff to come with any luck!
Thanks everyone for your support. I literally couldn't have made this without the help of people here, and without GS either!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Do you guys not use that?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
2. Music, scary, retro font aaah!!
3. Menu (Oooh, nice)_
4. which button to go for....
5. options
6. Those are the best damn options I've seen on any iphone game, F**K the music track is good.
7. research
8. I don't have any :-( ..... (I want it full before the days out)
10. Will let you know what I think later...
11. Just had a sneezing fit, best not be your game otherwise I want compensation :-)
Well done QS looks pretty awesome so far.... and that's just a menu...
Will definitely get through the game though, just need to do some work at work...not much motivation when your the only one in the office...
Ok, lets try level 3 one more time..
Oh quick review,
Graphics cool, music and sound effects spot on.
Control system I like, although frustrating when the turning circle is not tighter enough that I crash into the sea....bad pilot skills. Soon get used to that though.
Every now and then I seem to fire a big blue lazer, not sure how I'm doing that?
They come in handy when approaching an enemy and you want to make sure you take *its* shot out as you approach
Thanks for the kind words btw - heart, cockles, sheep warm etc
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
thanks, yep figured out the big blue lazer thankyou....obviously I wouldn't read the instructions :-)
Really like the radar/map across the top of the screen, works so well, can't even think how you got the maths together to make that work...well I guess if I really really thought I'd get there. But very nicely done indeed and very handy too.
Onto Phase Two level 3 so far..
Still need to do some work...maybe a cuppa tea, a few more levels, then lunch, then some work... (That's me do some work at work, not you do some work on the kraken.)
...ok edit: on Phase 3 now...
Will leave a review if the App Store will let me!
btw your loading image is upside down.. I found that issue with Pro a couple days ago
also just noticed that changing volume in options jumps down from 10 to 8
sorry for nitpicking but I personally would want to know
// Red Dot Inc
Will play again another day and see if I can complete it all in one go with losing all my lives...also will try on hard.
typo in one of the intro bits of text think it was second to last level.... 'Mothertips' instead of 'motherships'...
Oh, my HI-SCORE in the bottom left of the menu screen says 100000....
As to the volume - I noticed that, and the logic is sound, but doesn't want to work for some reason. Did you like the 'baaaaing' for the volume?
Thanks for the purchase!
Edit: It's not letting me post new replies - must think I'm spam :O
'Mothertip' was intentional *cough*
(freud would have a field day, eh?)
And the high score shows the high score to beat. It's set at 100,000 - TRY HARDER
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
And the high score is the high score to beat, bottom left.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...