Need Help with my 3 buttons problem
I have 3 buttons on screen (sample A,B and C).
What I want to do is to restrict the other two buttons sample B and C when im pressing the A button. After pressing A, that's the only time I can press/touch either one of remaining buttons, the same rules apply if I press on any buttons. Pressing/touch twice also restricted,
Please help thanks in advance.
Oh I think i'm on the wrong category I dont know how to move it.
Are you trying to say if one of these buttons pressed then none will work?
game Boolean attribute
In all buttons have same rule.
If pressed change Boolean to true.
In all buttons. Conditions to trigger. All
If button pressed
Game Boolean false
Do whatever button does.
Hmmmm. I read you question again but now I find it illogical.
You want to restrict and require the same thing.
Sorry I'm confused. Require A to be pressed before BC. But if A is pressed BC can no long be pressed???? Sorry maybe I reading it wrong.
Yeah, I'm not 100% clear either.
Are you saying that you can only press any one button if another button is also pressed? That doesn't quite make sense? You could have an attribute, game.button_is_pressed that is triggered anytime a button is pressed, and use that with touch is pressed to trigger rules.
Or is it more specific, you have a button, A, which is your master button. You can only press other buttons, B and C (and others) if A is pressed?
If it's that, it's simple. Just have a global boolean attribute game.a_is_pressed that is triggered when button A is pressed. Then, in your B and C buttons, have your behaviours only trigger when both game.a_is_pressed AND touch is pressed
Thanks for the reply, but I have already figured out on how to make it work and I'm sorry if my explanation is hard to understand. Even me it took me an hour to elaborate what I really want to achieve here. And also am not that good in English
Anyhow this is what i did.
Game Attribute
tapmeonce 0 integer
on screen
Every 0.5
change attribute
game.tapmeonce to game.tapmeonce+1
if game.tapmeonce= 2
Change attribute to 0
1st effect
when i press A buttons, B and C wont function
When I press B buttons, A and C wont function
When I press C buttons, B and A wont function
2nd effect
double tap wont work or double press
3rd effect
you got to wait for 2 seconds before you can press any letters
so far it is working fine. but still am not done with my project
Glad you got it working. Good luck with the rest of your project.
This is what i am working on.
the game has 3 cannon on the left side of the screen and then 3 cannons on the right side.
On the left side I used (UP ARROW) for my 1st cannon to pull the trigger, (LEFT ARROW) for my 2nd cannon and (DOWN ARROW) for my 3rd cannon
on the right side I used (Y) for my 1st cannon to pull the trigger, (B) for my 2nd cannon and (A) for my 3rd cannon
The Idea of the game is:
1) All cannons have only one bullet and it takes 2 second to reload, So I have to use either one of the cannon that have already finished reloading.
2) only one button at a time, well one on the right side and one on the left side.
What I want to happen:
Cannon must fire only one bullet and then takes 2 second to reload
Cannon must fire one at a time
Sample: if I press Y, B and A is disable until my finger is off on Y button from pressing then B and A is available to fire but I can only press one button and then chose another button after releasing and so on.
Note: The gorilla randomly respawn up, down and on the middle.
Ohh This one has an issue so I still need Help T_T
Looks interesting.
I would have made all three buttons a single actor, and done something like this . . .
When touch is > self.Y+100 then A
--Otherwise When touch is < self.Y-100 then B
----Otherwise C
If I understand it correctly, I think he is going for button controls, not touch controls.
@kianziack Can you confirm? Or both?
What's the difference ?
What I mean is physical button controls, in which case touch would always be 0 and
touch is > self.Y+100 then A
would never trigger (unless self.Y were -100, but then only this one button would ever trigger). Or I might be misunderstanding what you mean.Ah! I see what you mean now !
Note: The gorilla randomly respawn up, down and middle. > @pHghost said:
Well both yes. Tuch and buttons.
Finally, I found a way to make it work, I feel great that I want to share it on how I did it.
Game Atribute
cannonright 0 Integer
cannonleft 0 integer
Game Rule on screen
if cannonright = 10
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
if cannonright = 20
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
if cannonright = 30
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
Game Rule on screen
if cannonleft = 10
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
if cannonleft = 20
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
if cannonleft = 30
timer after 0.1 run to completion checked
change attribute
game.cannonleft to 0
First actor
Bullet left direction 180degree at acceleration 900
actor overlaps or collide with actor type Gorrila monster
Second actor
Bullet right direction 0 degree at acceleration 900
actor overlaps or collide with actor type Gorrila monster
Actor cannon bullet caller right 1
if game.cannonright = 10
Spawn Actor
bullet right place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Destory this actor
Spawn actor
spawn actor call again place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Actor cannon bullet caller right 2
if game.cannonright = 20
Spawn Actor
bullet right place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Destory this actor
Spawn actor
spawn actor call again place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Actor cannon bullet caller right 3
if game.cannonright = 30
Spawn Actor
bullet right place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Destory this actor
Spawn actor
spawn actor call again place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Actor call again
After 1 seconds Run to completion checked
Spawn actor cannon bullet caller right place in front of actor
in direction 0 relatice to actor
from position 0 , 0 relative to actor
Now for the controls
Right cannon
(Sample only)
Receives a key Up arrow is down
Change Attribute
set game.cannonright to game.cannonright+10
Right cannon
(Sample only)
Receives a key left arrow is down
Change Attribute
set game.cannonright to game.cannonright+20
Right cannon
(Sample only)
Receives a key down arrow is down
Change Attribute
set game.cannonright to game.cannonright+30
Thats how I do it, I hope you guys Understand it well.