@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
They should work (I only say should because we have no devices to test on yet), we just have to be careful of UI elements going under the sensor bar or the rounded corners. It might require it's own set of UI parameters because of that, depending on your UI.
The aspect ratio is also really weird, but from my initial testing in the previewer with the iPhone X's resolution there's no reason we can't make it work.
been several years since i've posted here. made my first 3 games with Gameslaad. So is it dying or what? been looking at swift, unity playmaker, unreal blueprints, gamebuilder, buildbox, etc. I'm more familiar with game salad but IMHO I think the candle is finally running out. I hope I'm wrong.
I wonder if anyone is overtaking a "drag and drop" swift engine...
maybe gamesalad to switch to swift as it's core? Weren't they supposed to switch to Xcode? I think it started in LUA. did that ever happen?
what planet am I on? WHAT YEAR IS IT?!?!?!
@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
iPad (1024x768)
iPhone5 (1136x640) my size 1363.2x768 to match aspect ratio of iPhone5
iPhoneX (2436x1125) my size 1662.976x768 to match aspect ratio of iPhoneX
@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
I'm using a custom stretch method for my game. Since I start from iPad as well, I scale based on width of scene and width of iPad camera depending on what's needed.
So for example, if my scene is much wider than 2048 (or 1024), I would use something similar to iphone X actual camera. Like in screenshot 5 (or in my case 1218x563) which requires a bit less UI manipulation and takes advantage of the ultrawide aspect ratio.
If the scene isn't wide enough for that then I use something like iPhone X resolution divided by 2.378 to equate it to an ipad resolution.
so 2436/2.378=1024.39 and 1125/2.378=473 so basically a camera size of 1024x473
You lose verticality, but I mean what else can we really do?
@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
I'm using a custom stretch method for my game. Since I start from iPad as well, I scale based on width of scene and width of iPad camera depending on what's needed.
So for example, if my scene is much wider than 2048 (or 1024), I would use something similar to iphone X actual camera. Like in screenshot 5 (or in my case 1218x563) which requires a bit less UI manipulation and takes advantage of the ultrawide aspect ratio.
If the scene isn't wide enough for that then I use something like iPhone X resolution divided by 2.378 to equate it to an ipad resolution.
so 2436/2.378=1024.39 and 1125/2.378=473 so basically a camera size of 1024x473
You lose verticality, but I mean what else can we really do?
Actually, we can not use that extra space(638px) efficiently. Like, your icons must be in the safe area.
One question. We can't display anything underneath the home indicator. Does this apply to games as well?
Maybe there is an exception for games like this but I could not find it.
@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
I'm using a custom stretch method for my game. Since I start from iPad as well, I scale based on width of scene and width of iPad camera depending on what's needed.
So for example, if my scene is much wider than 2048 (or 1024), I would use something similar to iphone X actual camera. Like in screenshot 5 (or in my case 1218x563) which requires a bit less UI manipulation and takes advantage of the ultrawide aspect ratio.
If the scene isn't wide enough for that then I use something like iPhone X resolution divided by 2.378 to equate it to an ipad resolution.
so 2436/2.378=1024.39 and 1125/2.378=473 so basically a camera size of 1024x473
You lose verticality, but I mean what else can we really do?
Actually, we can not use that extra space(638px) efficiently. Like, your icons must be in the safe area.
One question. We can't display anything underneath the home indicator. Does this apply to games as well?
Maybe there is an exception for games like this but I could not find it.
Yeah I did say UI would need to be manipulated (moved, scaled, etc). I just mean for the actual background etc, you gain a wider view if a bit more narrow.
@Armelline said:
I've not looked into the specs of this new iPhone yet. Any reason the existing methods of dynamic universalisation won't work?
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
I'm using a custom stretch method for my game. Since I start from iPad as well, I scale based on width of scene and width of iPad camera depending on what's needed.
So for example, if my scene is much wider than 2048 (or 1024), I would use something similar to iphone X actual camera. Like in screenshot 5 (or in my case 1218x563) which requires a bit less UI manipulation and takes advantage of the ultrawide aspect ratio.
If the scene isn't wide enough for that then I use something like iPhone X resolution divided by 2.378 to equate it to an ipad resolution.
so 2436/2.378=1024.39 and 1125/2.378=473 so basically a camera size of 1024x473
You lose verticality, but I mean what else can we really do?
Actually, we can not use that extra space(638px) efficiently. Like, your icons must be in the safe area.
One question. We can't display anything underneath the home indicator. Does this apply to games as well?
Maybe there is an exception for games like this but I could not find it.
Looking at the tech link above I really don't think it's going to be a issue at all. just another phone with a wide display that has a few oddities that can easily be adjusted for automatically between devices.
What could be the workaround until GS do something about it? If game.screen.size.Height = 2436 don't show the ads?
Can you let us know if you are aware / working on a fix for this issue?
It's important to those of us earning an income from the ad networks.
I see not much has changed. When it comes to User needs/requests versus update output.
I mean the team is pretty small...
Catch 22. If the engine had more updates maybe they'd have more users, if there were more users, maybe the team would be larger and produce more updates.
Do you really think that the guys above, and many other long term GS Pro paying clients, don't read every post, comment and thread on this Forum?
Those of us that have a vested interest in this software, which has now become " Donation-Ware", read all of it every day.
It seems to us that you guys at GS only take a sneak preview of the Forum every few months!
And when you do, you segway to some other placating announcement in a new sticky thread!
There are many of us that are really pissed off, including all the silent Pro members that hardly bother with the Forum.
The ones that are surfacing now, with anger, frustration, discontent and disallusionment that has never been expressed until now.
GS really need to find a new way to communicate with the "life-blood" members or your subscriptions will cease.
I don't really expect any satisfactory response... but let's see. >:)
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
Okay, I made the comment above on the 18th of November 2017. It's 2nd January here, NY day in the USA.
I'm underwhelmed by the response because I expected none.
I told you no-one is listening to us or even checking this forum regularly or thoroughly.
By chance I touched the GS logo top left of the page and ended up on the opening page of the site. So I hit the "Developers" button the did a search for "Ad networks" and found an FAQ.
The first thing people read on the Ad Networks FAQ is that GameSalad supports the iAds.
iAd was shut down by Apple on June 30th 2016, and GS still support it!
That tells you a lot about GamsSalad and how out of date this website has become.
Both Cookbooks also list iAds with instructions!
I won't go on and list everything else I found that is out of date, incorrect or plainly misleading.
What a sorry mess GS has become.
PhilipCCEncounter Bay, South AustraliaMemberPosts: 1,390
BTW, Happy New Year to all my GameSalad colleagues, old and new.
Also Happy New Year to Adent42 and Forum Ninja as well...
... I don't blame you guys for all our problems because I expect you are under-resourced, over-worked and over-stressed. You are probably between a rock and a hard place these days. Or between a turd and a hard place! >:)
Anyway, my Apple Developer membership expires on the 6th of January.
The quandary is to renew or not?
Also to continue paying for GS Pro or not, just so I can read the Forum (and complain)!
Is there any future for me by sticking with GS? Or even trying to develop apps any longer?
Because of the unreliable state of GS over the past year I have put three projects on hold and not updated any other apps.
I don't have a big suite of apps in the App Store but my first one has over 9.2K downloads (after deducting that huge burst of 2K phoney downloads from SE Asia between Aug 16 and Sept 20 2017).
Okay, it's a five year old free app which explains that, but it is still getting steady regular downloads and is a vehicle for promoting my other apps, which don't get any where near that many downloads because they are paid apps.
If I don't renew my Apple Developer membership my apps will disappear into the void where all the dead apps go.
I have neither looked at, nor are interested in, the online Creator 2. I won't waste my time on it until it is a final release that is fully functional and given the go-ahead by the veterans here... if there are any veterans still left by then.
Guess I'm just hanging on to the vague hope that GS will get their "poop with an S" together by Friday this week.
@PhilipCC said:
Okay, I made the comment above on the 18th of November 2017. It's 2nd January here, NY day in the USA.
I'm underwhelmed by the response because I expected none.
I told you no-one is listening to us or even checking this forum regularly or thoroughly.
By chance I touched the GS logo top left of the page and ended up on the opening page of the site. So I hit the "Developers" button the did a search for "Ad networks" and found an FAQ.
The first thing people read on the Ad Networks FAQ is that GameSalad supports the iAds.
iAd was shut down by Apple on June 30th 2016, and GS still support it!
That tells you a lot about GamsSalad and how out of date this website has become.
Both Cookbooks also list iAds with instructions!
I won't go on and list everything else I found that is out of date, incorrect or plainly misleading.
...and wholeheartedly agree about the web version - it currently leaves me stone cold, and not a patch on speed and functionality of the desktop version (and we all know that even that functionality could be so much better, so what does THAT say?), even after all of this time.
Even more so due to the neglect our paid version is suffering as a result of the almost completely one-sided drive/push that the web-version is enjoying, and has been for the last year or so...
They should work (I only say should because we have no devices to test on yet), we just have to be careful of UI elements going under the sensor bar or the rounded corners. It might require it's own set of UI parameters because of that, depending on your UI.
The aspect ratio is also really weird, but from my initial testing in the previewer with the iPhone X's resolution there's no reason we can't make it work.
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been several years since i've posted here. made my first 3 games with Gameslaad. So is it dying or what? been looking at swift, unity playmaker, unreal blueprints, gamebuilder, buildbox, etc. I'm more familiar with game salad but IMHO I think the candle is finally running out. I hope I'm wrong.
I wonder if anyone is overtaking a "drag and drop" swift engine...
maybe gamesalad to switch to swift as it's core? Weren't they supposed to switch to Xcode? I think it started in LUA. did that ever happen?
what planet am I on? WHAT YEAR IS IT?!?!?!
we need adjusted loading screen options, also iPhone 6+ should not longer use the iPhone 4 loading image its just bad
My Apps
playing with a new game I'm working on, starting with iPad build, and overscan that doesn't work very well for me the zoom in is huge. You may end up with controls/UI overlapping depending on what you have on screen.
Using the Universal build with camera size change starting with iPad size works much better but you have a LOT of screen to fill 638px of extra space. actual space to use is 1663x768 to match the 2436x1125 aspect ratio of the iPhoneX.
example from my old game that uses Universal build camera size change. iPad,iPhone5, and iPhoneX. notice on iPhoneX screen shot my sky background comes up short but a easy fix.
iPad (1024x768)


iPhone5 (1136x640) my size 1363.2x768 to match aspect ratio of iPhone5


iPhoneX (2436x1125) my size 1662.976x768 to match aspect ratio of iPhoneX


I'm using a custom stretch method for my game. Since I start from iPad as well, I scale based on width of scene and width of iPad camera depending on what's needed.
So for example, if my scene is much wider than 2048 (or 1024), I would use something similar to iphone X actual camera. Like in screenshot 5 (or in my case 1218x563) which requires a bit less UI manipulation and takes advantage of the ultrawide aspect ratio.
If the scene isn't wide enough for that then I use something like iPhone X resolution divided by 2.378 to equate it to an ipad resolution.
so 2436/2.378=1024.39 and 1125/2.378=473 so basically a camera size of 1024x473
You lose verticality, but I mean what else can we really do?
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Actually, we can not use that extra space(638px) efficiently. Like, your icons must be in the safe area.
One question. We can't display anything underneath the home indicator. Does this apply to games as well?
Maybe there is an exception for games like this but I could not find it.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Yeah I did say UI would need to be manipulated (moved, scaled, etc). I just mean for the actual background etc, you gain a wider view if a bit more narrow.
If you take a look at the iOS Human interface guidelines https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/overview/iphone-x/
The section Layout talks about full screen specifications with diagrams showing how to scale the application. it's supposed to go over the edges.
Also those guidelines you posted seem a bit more precise then the game UI's shown on the offical apple page (scroll down to see game screenshots.)
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Looking at the tech link above I really don't think it's going to be a issue at all. just another phone with a wide display that has a few oddities that can easily be adjusted for automatically between devices.
We need to make changes to the placement of ads for iPhone X. @adent42 @ForumNinja
Please review these policy updates and our suggested implementation guide to ensure you're compliant by November 20th.
There is nothing we can do as users.
iPhone X Ad Rendering
What could be the workaround until GS do something about it? If game.screen.size.Height = 2436 don't show the ads?
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
@adent42 @ForumNinja
Can you let us know if you are aware / working on a fix for this issue?
It's important to those of us earning an income from the ad networks.
@adent42 @ForumNinja Please give us a timeline for the iPhone X fixes because I need to update my more than 80 games asap.
It's been over a week now since the issues with Admob banner ad placement and iPhoneX were first raised. Are Gamesalad even aware of this??
@adent42 @ForumNinja
I see not much has changed. When it comes to User needs/requests versus update output.
I mean the team is pretty small...
Catch 22. If the engine had more updates maybe they'd have more users, if there were more users, maybe the team would be larger and produce more updates.
Follow us: Twitter - Website
@DigiChain @FINNBOGG @AlchimiaStudios check over here:
TL;DR we're aware and working on it.
Sorry for you because that is a pathetic answer!
Do you really think that the guys above, and many other long term GS Pro paying clients, don't read every post, comment and thread on this Forum?
Those of us that have a vested interest in this software, which has now become " Donation-Ware", read all of it every day.
It seems to us that you guys at GS only take a sneak preview of the Forum every few months!
And when you do, you segway to some other placating announcement in a new sticky thread!
There are many of us that are really pissed off, including all the silent Pro members that hardly bother with the Forum.
The ones that are surfacing now, with anger, frustration, discontent and disallusionment that has never been expressed until now.
GS really need to find a new way to communicate with the "life-blood" members or your subscriptions will cease.
I don't really expect any satisfactory response... but let's see. >:)
Okay, I made the comment above on the 18th of November 2017. It's 2nd January here, NY day in the USA.
I'm underwhelmed by the response because I expected none.
I told you no-one is listening to us or even checking this forum regularly or thoroughly.
By chance I touched the GS logo top left of the page and ended up on the opening page of the site. So I hit the "Developers" button the did a search for "Ad networks" and found an FAQ.
The first thing people read on the Ad Networks FAQ is that GameSalad supports the iAds.
iAd was shut down by Apple on June 30th 2016, and GS still support it!
That tells you a lot about GamsSalad and how out of date this website has become.
Both Cookbooks also list iAds with instructions!
I won't go on and list everything else I found that is out of date, incorrect or plainly misleading.
What a sorry mess GS has become.
BTW, Happy New Year to all my GameSalad colleagues, old and new.
Also Happy New Year to Adent42 and Forum Ninja as well...
... I don't blame you guys for all our problems because I expect you are under-resourced, over-worked and over-stressed. You are probably between a rock and a hard place these days. Or between a turd and a hard place! >:)
Anyway, my Apple Developer membership expires on the 6th of January.
The quandary is to renew or not?
Also to continue paying for GS Pro or not, just so I can read the Forum (and complain)!
Is there any future for me by sticking with GS? Or even trying to develop apps any longer?
Because of the unreliable state of GS over the past year I have put three projects on hold and not updated any other apps.
I don't have a big suite of apps in the App Store but my first one has over 9.2K downloads (after deducting that huge burst of 2K phoney downloads from SE Asia between Aug 16 and Sept 20 2017).
Okay, it's a five year old free app which explains that, but it is still getting steady regular downloads and is a vehicle for promoting my other apps, which don't get any where near that many downloads because they are paid apps.
If I don't renew my Apple Developer membership my apps will disappear into the void where all the dead apps go.
I have neither looked at, nor are interested in, the online Creator 2. I won't waste my time on it until it is a final release that is fully functional and given the go-ahead by the veterans here... if there are any veterans still left by then.
Guess I'm just hanging on to the vague hope that GS will get their "poop with an S" together by Friday this week.
+1 to this @PhilipCC ...
...and wholeheartedly agree about the web version - it currently leaves me stone cold, and not a patch on speed and functionality of the desktop version (and we all know that even that functionality could be so much better, so what does THAT say?), even after all of this time.
Even more so due to the neglect our paid version is suffering as a result of the almost completely one-sided drive/push that the web-version is enjoying, and has been for the last year or so...
My favourite (well, it made me laugh for some reason) is the 'Latest GS build' section on the FAQ page, for Mac we have . . .
'Latest GS Mac Build'
And a link to 'Version 1.25.80'
. . . For Windows we have . . .
'Latest GS Windows Build'
And a link to 'GameSalad Hurricane Harvey Relief'