Game freeze when changing scene with ads
Hi folks,
I seem to be having a recurring problem regarding ads and change scene. Every once in a while the change scene behaviour doesn't work. It's like it's trying to load but the ads aren't loading so it freezes. If I jump out of the game and then come back the scene will have changed. Any one else familiar with the this problem and anyone got a fix?
@uptimistik I've been working on Android so that shouldn't be a problem
If this happens with android and chartboost then yes i had this problem and still have it today , it happens 40 % of the time , contact support they will look into it. But i doubt they will be able to find the problem.
Yep, Android and Chartboost.
@fmakawa you can read more here
Contact support they might find a solution , but they couldnt reproduce the issue with my game so yours might show
@icebox thanks. Will do. Might have video footage (if I didn't delete it already- was recording for an app promo video and it happened ).