Will this type of saving and loading work?
After levels is finished this happens
And once player closes the game and opens it again this will happen in main menu
(Completing level will unlock the next one)
I was wondering if this will actually work or am i doing something wrong? If i am please let me know so i can change it
Thanks in advance!
It should be
save game.lvl1completed as 1
from 1 load game.lvl1completed
or save game.lvl1completed as xxx
from xxx load game.ll1completed
chose any name you want
@Icebox Thanks for the reply! Can i use "from 1 load game.lvl1completed" multiple times for different levels? Like "from 1 load gamelvl2completed"?
You only save and load 1 attribute at a time , here is an example
Save attribute game.lvl1 to "aaa"
Load attribute from "aaa" load game.lvl1
Save attribute game.lvl2 to "bbb"
Load attribute from "bbb" load game.lvl2
Save attribute game.lvl3 to "ccc"
Load attribute from "ccc" load game.lvl3
This will take forever and you will end up having alot of save and load attributes, so use a table instead. Search for lvl lock and unlock template im sure you will find it somewhere if you google it or search for table tutorials on youtube.
@Icebox Thanks!
@fatetaleteller You welcome, i attached a small demo , lock unlock and save hope it helps