whats the difrent and whats the good for game ?
hello every body i have 2 questions
whats the good for my game and cpu phone and gpu phone ..Make a hidden image and if i lose the image show in side the scene and if i clicked image. the scene its retry all score,stars ..?.
or make new scene if i lose he take me to another scene and he say for me( you lose the stars0 score0 (retry) or (menu))??
and i have actor if i clicked i see 2 side . in first side i can make rule example text level 1-1 We put in first scene . and in second side i see lock if i clicked i can make text level 1-2 We put in second scene . so thats good for my game because i use 1 actor but he have 2 rules ? or not good make my game slow down ??
I'm not really understanding what you wrote but maybe this will help?
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