Android Testing: Finding the adb binary
So, I'm following the steps to get a game running from the Windows client to an android device, but I've run into a snag. Near the end of the guide it tells you to open up the preferences menu and browse to "sdk/platform-tools" folder to pick the adb binary. The problem is, I can't find the exe it's looking for. Does anyone have a more specific path or what exactly it's looking for?
have you download the android studio? After which have you downloaded the the respective sdk files? IF so you can perhaps find them in the C: drive under User/Whichuseryouare/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platform-tools etc
That's exactly what I needed. Thank you. I wasn't even sure what directory to start with. I was looking in program files rather than the local user appdata. Thank you so much!
Now my device is just stuck on "Downloading Game..." and won't ever actually start the game. Any ideas?
I've changed the settings in my phone to allow for installation from "Unknown Sources".
@daniel.robert.campbell Sorry No idea there.
Try the support team. Blue chat icon in the bottom right corner