A problem with spawn actor (windows)
Hi, I want to spawn an object randomly with an empty spawn actor, but the object goes down to the left corner of the screen.
my position: random(0, 1024) random(0, 768)
no value for direction. i am using windows.
can you help me? i downlouded gamesalad yesterday.
Could you post a screenshot of your Spawn rule ?
how can i upload an image (jpg) here? the rule image
i will try to write the rule here.
timer: every 1 seconds (run to comletion is on)
the timer is together with this spawn rule: spawn actor: actor2 , palce: in front of actor.
in the direction: 0 relative to: actor
from position: random(0, 1024) random(0, 768) relative to : scene
Upload the image to an image hosting website and post the link here.
Your rule looks absolutely fine . . . ?
The only thing I can think of is that you typed the expression directly into the expression field without first clicking on the 'e' button ?
Thanks a lot! now it works. but only one thing, some of the objects not seeing in the screen after 1 second. i think its because of the tablet size values are to big for the screen. will it work fine on iphone, seeing the missing objests?
How big is your scene ? (what project size did you start with ?)
iphone 5 landscape
Then you are spawning actors outside the scene, an iPhone 5 project is 568 x 320 pixels, your random value range spawns actors in an area of 1024 x 768 pixels.
now its fine! Thanks a lot for your help Socks!