Parsing Error - APK File problem?
before publishing my first game I want to try a beta version on a real device. The problem is: I cant install the signed apk file, neither on a smartphone (Samsung S4), nor on a virtual device. The option to install form external sources is switched on, so thats not the problem. I get an error message saying apk cant be opened due to a parsing error. So sth. seems to be corrupted in that file. I published it like described in the tutorial, downloaded it, signed it. Any ideas, bacuase this is very annoying and I am stuck now...
have you tried an unsigned apk? You can download it straight from the publishing portal.
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Thanks for the quick answer. I did not try this, but I did now (on a device and VM), it does not work. I am pretty frustrated, my project took me long to set up and works fine in GS previewer. As I not a coder there won't be any chance to find a mistake within the code, if thats the problem...
UPDATE: I tried another apk, a very simple app, I made with gamesalad, signed and unsigned. It doenst work. I tried an apk I downloaded from the web: works fine. When using apps like apk installer my apks I made with gamesalad are not even shown in the list.
So there really seems to be sth. wrong with gamesalad. Please help, I dont want my work (and money) be trashed...I really like GS till this point...
It's probably your signing then. You can only install signed apks on android (from my experience anyway - Galaxy S5). You gotta make sure your java/apk signer software is all the correct version, make sure you download according to the cookbook.
I always publish, download the unsigned, sign it in GS Creator/tools, upload it to Google Drive. Then when I download it directly onto my phone from Drive it automatically installs.
Thanks for your response. Ths starts to get annoying. I pay a decent amount per month and don't even know if I am able to publish my apps or if there isnt any bugs in the code and thats the problem.
**What I did: ** I reinstalled all required programs exactly like I am supposed to following the cookbook (which I did before as well). I generated a new, fresh keystore and signed my apk. I tried it on different devices again: always the same error message.
Just to exclude the possibility that it is my mistake I wanted to ask if its possible that I send one of you guys an unsigned apk, you sign it and test it/send it back to me. I can also send the signed one so you can test both. If it works I know I must find the mistake somewhere within my system. If it doenst work its some problem with the app/code itself - what will lead me to the conclusion that gamesalad is not what I am looking for. I hope theres a way to find out.
Thanks! Hansen
Since NNterprises was so nice to sign an unsigned apk i sent him and send me the signed one back I must say: its not a problem with my signing process as that file denst work either. So it must be some problem with my gamesalad creator. I tried it with 3 different apks now, one just a template from the marketplace, one simple one I made and a more complex one with lots of actors, behaviors and large tables. Same result on every file.
I would really appreciate some help here, otherwise I'll cancel my subscription. No need to waste time on stuff I cant publish.
Thanks for the great help from the community!
Is you android sdk updated? You must also sign your key in english. When you make your password be sure your keyboard is set to english. Also make sure your phone is set to allow third party apps install.
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@hansdrum and @The_Gamesalad_Guru
I just realized I only signed one of his apk's for him. I did not actually create a build from his GS file and sign it. So maybe it is not his sdk (since both of our signing didnt work), maybe it's something with the building process since his GS version is oddly different than mine
Thanks for all your replys. GS support finally gave me the right hint. I renamed the package name in GS publishing process from smart_trivia to That finally did it. Thanks for your support and the GS salad support as well.
Anyway, the tooltip on the package name says that underscores are allowed. That IMo should be cleared up.
I have signed and tried to make the apk and i do but it not on the desktop were i put it and then i uploaded it to mediafire and google drive and it said it was corrupted how do i fix this