How would I go about making an endless game that constantly goes north-east
I'm making an endless runner style game but instead of making the player go endlessly right, I want the player to go straight up diagonally jumping from platform to platform until they crash. How would I go about this when it comes to scene size and spawning the platforms? Would I just make an insanely huge scene or is there a way to make it bigger as the player keeps going to save memory space? Also how would I get the platforms to spawn higher and higher each time while also mixing up the width of each platform and the space in between each platform?
I know it's alot
Just create a normal runner style game , then create an actor , place it on screen, unlock it and change to 24 or whatever value, put a change attribute on the ground actors and change its width to a random value , spawn the ground actors to the position you would like. , i attached a demo if you want to look into it , but the movement is messed up ( not the best way to do it)