unpause game issue
Hi guys. I have a problem with the unpause game behavior.
I have a menu icon and when the icon "touch is pressed" it pauses the game and the menu scene pops up.
Afterwards when Return to game icon "touch is pressed" it unpauses the game and goes back to the "Game Scene."
But my problem is that my "player" actor keeps going back right to the starting point. I just want the player actor to stay where it was before the game was paused.
Does anybody know what my problem is and how I could fix it?
Probably a silly question, but I have to ask! - You are using the 'Pause' and 'Unpause' behaviours, as opposed to simply using 'Change Scene'?...
It really should work fine if using the proper behaviours, so if not, I'm not sure! - My games literally freeze all action, variables, etc and carry on as if nothing happened, if using those behaviours, unless something's been broken in a later build?
I'm only using Pause and Unpause behaviours for my pop-up menu, so I'm pretty sure I'm not using it to change a scene. My players, backgrounds, etc all freeze as I press the menu button but when I press resume, which has the unpause behavior, the whole scene just resets..don't know why.