Save/Load atribute
I made a actor (coin) like this:
when actor collide with coin:
change atribute game.coin to game.coin+1
save atribute game.coin to 1
And on the first scence i put this
Load atributes from: 1 to game.coin
But it dosent work because, the coin isn't counting, but when i delete the load atribute, the coin counting.
So my question is: why not counting my coin when i try save it?
Try a different key - maybe with a string rather than numbers.
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Thanks, but i tried before and isn't worked.
Can you post a screenshot of your logic? That'll help us see what's going on.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Thanks for answer . I solved ! I dont know why not worked , I just put the save atribute to another actor ..