Same build and code. iOS version of my game runs faster than Android version
I have been running adhoc builds on my galaxy 6 and my iphone 6. My frame rate on my iPhone stays at a constant 60 fps while it's normal for my galaxy 6 to drop down 43 fps and lower at times and makes my game look a little choppy.
Looking at the specs between the two, Galaxy has some high numbers where frame rate should be even to the iphone. I have images, loops, and music all being fired up at once so I can expect a strain but it's only on my S6 and other android devices I use. My code is solid to the point where I can make small changes here and there but it's just about complete.
By my experience GS runs much better on iOS. I think it is because it was originally designed for it (though I could be wrong). When I released Jump Jack on iOS and Android. I had to remove a lot of the particles in the game to make it run fine on android. So my iOS version is a little different than the android version of the game.
I am definitely going to have to look into that. I do hope sooner than later that the speed of GS Android will be on par with iOS.
It all depends on the type of android device you are using.
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