Change score position when ads are displayed.
Hi everybody.
I have a question regarding the ads.
We all know if the user is not connected to the internet, the ad banner will not display.
In my game, the ad banner is on top. Just below it, the score is displayed including pause and resume button.
I would like to know if it's possible to have the hud items move up or down in case if the ad banner does not display due to internet conectivity.
I tried to look on forum for an answer, but unfortunately, I was not able to find it.
Thank you.
There is no way to check for connectivity in GS. Aren't your buttons covered even with an ad? Does the ad only display for a limited time? If you are showing ads intermittently then just move the controls down or up when you display and ad period.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank for your reply. The ad bar is set to display always on top. The buttons are just below it. However, if the user is not connected to the internet, I would like to bring the hud on top, so there will be no gap. I hope you understand the concept.
That is not possible banners or any ad type is always the top layer. You could use the open URL behaviors to ping a server to check for a connection. This would require using a backend server to send and retrieve a piece of info in a table.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Will try that. Thank you for your help, If anyone has other tips, I would love to hear.