Max Vector is Now FREE!
Hi guys,
I have decided to release Max for free while it's still in N&N. He may stay free until the next update (if I can find time to do it - too many other projects - lol). He'll be free for at least a day or two anyway... who knows, FOREVER?!?!?!?
Obviously I won't make a lot dollar-wise, doing this but I don't need the money and I'd like to get it out to as many people as possible. Also I'm a little unhappy that some people are STILL experiencing the slowdown and not 100% happy charging for that (even if it is only a dollar). My apologies if you've spent a buck or two... but hey, remember when games used to cost $100? (NZ dollars, anyway - LOL) lol.
Not sure how long the price change takes to go through but the itunes link is here:
Has been a fun ride creating Max. Have learnt a LOT! And the next project is soooo much better it's not funny (but I would say that).
Have fun playing! And feel free to drop a review, an HONEST review... I never asked for 5 star reviews as a certain member of this forum (I have a VERY good idea who it is, too - very particular writing style) said in his 1 star review... which was just malicious and sad. And I'm quite happy for one star reviews too, if they're HONEST and constructive... not just "GameSalad games are crap" (you know who you are and so do I).
I have decided to release Max for free while it's still in N&N. He may stay free until the next update (if I can find time to do it - too many other projects - lol). He'll be free for at least a day or two anyway... who knows, FOREVER?!?!?!?
Obviously I won't make a lot dollar-wise, doing this but I don't need the money and I'd like to get it out to as many people as possible. Also I'm a little unhappy that some people are STILL experiencing the slowdown and not 100% happy charging for that (even if it is only a dollar). My apologies if you've spent a buck or two... but hey, remember when games used to cost $100? (NZ dollars, anyway - LOL) lol.
Not sure how long the price change takes to go through but the itunes link is here:
Has been a fun ride creating Max. Have learnt a LOT! And the next project is soooo much better it's not funny (but I would say that).
Have fun playing! And feel free to drop a review, an HONEST review... I never asked for 5 star reviews as a certain member of this forum (I have a VERY good idea who it is, too - very particular writing style) said in his 1 star review... which was just malicious and sad. And I'm quite happy for one star reviews too, if they're HONEST and constructive... not just "GameSalad games are crap" (you know who you are and so do I).
Good luck in the charts! Apple seems to be kinder to decent games with a $0 price tag, so you may stay in N&N for a while!
And no, I'm not going to spill as I may be wrong... don't think so though. And anyway, might as well let them have their fun :-D
Oh and with the update it will now run on a 2G device but it will be very slow during boss battles! Still, I managed to play through it
Man, I can't win... getting people on TouchArcade saying they'll never support me again because I made the game free too soon. THEY SPENT A DOLLAR. It is UNBELIEVABLE how cheap people are. A DOLLAR.
I think you should have left it paid, but I guess if you don't need the $, then you just want to spread the word about your game.
Maybe just make it free for a day, and post that under your description, then put it back to paid tonight.
Anyway, you should see the emails I get about my flashlight... ;-)
Haha, I'd love to read them! Some tools out there who REALLY have nothing to do. LOL.
It's a great game
I just think you are worrying about what a small percentage of people are saying.
Touch Arcade thought it was good and i think they have a better opinion that a few whiners who will never be satisfied with anything short of playing warcraft on their 1st gen ipods 23 ours a day.
In my opinion when a game crosses a certain threshold fro quality or popularity it stands to take harsher criticism from self proclaimed purists... thats all
There are some pretty crappy overpriced games by large companies. You are more than justified charing 1/2 a cup of drip coffee for a great game.
I think you should focus on the positive more and make some money off you're game.
I actually had one guy say the following:
"You realize we are talking about 99 cents? I am going to fight to get it back like it was 99 dollars!"
To that I said:
"I wanted to say the same thing about the 99¢....get over it."
Not sure myself if the "making it Free" move was the right one...but to each their own.
I will download and leave a review in UK store.
Best of luck!
At this rate, I'm looking forward to next week when he pays *us* to download it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Gave it 5/5 and left a nice review...great game imo, shame others had problems.
Loved this game, reminded me of the NES days when your thumbs start hurting after playing for countless hours
Trust me, I'm not making it free because of those "Salad haters" ;-)
Damn it... I'll have to rethink my strategy...