Kinder Hangman - New iPhone Game For Kids

We would like to represent a newly released game for kids - Kinder Hangman iPhone App is a unique and innovative iPhone application. It is a very interesting and attractive game that is specially designed for children. The educational program contains graphical themes and animations on different topics. Word categories include the grade levels kindergarten through sixth, countries, mammals, birds, bugs, reptiles, fish, US States, superheroes, dinosaurs, and sports. Hand drawn graphical themes and animations include pirates, ghosts dinosaurs, cavemen, princesses and knights with more coming soon.
Please, let us know what do you think about this application? Would your kids enjoy playing it? Your opinions, comments and suggestions are highly appreciated!
Please, let us know what do you think about this application? Would your kids enjoy playing it? Your opinions, comments and suggestions are highly appreciated!
I'm not certain that there is a rule on this, but it just seems out of place...
Nice looking game though... ;-)