Exporting to Exe (executable)
So, I've been looking around the forums and I can't seem to find a definitive answer to my question. Can the Windows version of GS export to an Executable? If it can, why can't I seem to find a guide on how to do it anywhere?
I saw that GS was greenlit on Steam, and I can't imagine that happens if the system isn't going to export to an EXE.
It is not currently available. Last I had heard it was still planned, but maybe @CodeWizard or @GeorgeGS have more info.
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Thanks for the reply. Hopefully one of them can weigh in on a possible ETA or something. This is really the only thing keeping me and my team from all getting pro memberships and exclusively using GS for our indie projects. :-(
they need to get 1.25 out the door, then I expect .exe exporting will follow shortly behind..... but if you game runs perfect under HTML5 you can use NodeJS to create an .exe wrapper. I've done it before, works great.
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That sounds like a really good work around until the official method is brought into the GS functionality. Thanks jonmulcahy! I'll try and pitch that to my team and hopefully it will be enough to sway them into using GS. They all really like the tools, but they REQUIRE being able to launch the game on Steam.