Application Loader Won't Work
I am completely at my wits end. I've been trying for hours to submit my app through application loader and it simply WILL NOT WORK! Every single time I get the same error: App is not signed by an Apple submission certificate. I have deleted all my certificates and provisioning profiles from keychain and through dev center, refreshed through Xcode, created new profiles, certificates, and app/bundle ID's, and re-generated and re-signed through game salad at least 12 times. Nothing works. Does anybody have any solutions? (I am using the latest version of GS Creator and Application loader on OS X Mavericks)
Make sure you are using a distribution certain and not ad hoc
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I have double checked that many times...definitely using a distribution cert
Do you have the most recent version of Xcode installed?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I have the most recent version that is compatible with Mavericks
Are you uploading the .ipa version of the game and not the .app version? This was the issue I ran into recently.
Yes, I am definitely uploading the .ipa version
Going through this exact same issue same version of GS on Mavericks as well. It worked fine a couple weeks ago. Very strange. Hope you can help!
Anyone else experiencing this? I'm still having the problem.
I got it to work! I updated my laptop to OS X El Capitan and installed the latest version of Xcode. It worked immediately!! Thanks for everyone trying to help!!
Got it! For me i tried a few different things. One was strange but worked. I downloaded the Xcode 7.3 beta and went into that looked at my account the provisioning profiles and my certificates all valid and the same as the Xcode 7.2 so when i uploaded through Application Loader 3.5 from the Xcode Beta version still the same certificate error the app size error was gone though.
Next I decided to reopen the Non Beta version 7.2 and now the option to reset my certificates appeared and was not there at all before even as a option, all though in the keychain all the cert's show valid. The second i clicked reset i then re-downloaded the provisioning profiles....went back to Game Salad server re-processed and then this time the error in the Application Loader was gone.. Long story short my reset option did not appear til i did the above....