Möbius Whale Wars 2 - Ocean Action Defense!

Web comic turning video game, again! ... This time it's a field defense title
With many likable characters as your players
Protect the ocean from invasion and pollution! Sometimes the whales must
"save the humans"! And the health of Earths biosphere
Expected in late 2010
Link to the comic - 60 episodes!
Btw, MWW1 is still out there as a OS9 / osx tilte,
Don't think it works on current osx though. Made with TNT basic, a GS type situation
I'm working on this!
Artwork formatting and coding is going well...
(See my coding question in the "Game Design" section?
"Cloning the code AND variables? For enemies & other repeated characters")
Here is another introduction to the characters!
(From my upcoming music / visual DVD)
"It's all about the CHARACTERS, of course!" ;-)
Thank you for your interest, I should have something watchable / playable soon!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io