App Review Network. Exchange reviews with other developers. Apple only.
App Review Network.
I have seen review exchange websites that have come and gone. Some are no longer offering support. I have started this website because I see that there is a demand for reviews, especially for indie developers. This website is currently Apple only apps but if there is enough users who want a website for Google Play apps one can be made. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
- Sign up for a free account
- Add an app to your account by the Apple App ID
- Review other apps and earn karma
- Get app reviews
It's that easy!
This post has been pre-approved.
Looks cool. I'm gonna give a try when my game is out.
Cool, I'll give it a try. Thanks!
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Games and Templates
Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions!
@RabidParrot Does this work for free games only?
Follow me at: Twitter - Instagram
Games and Templates
Yes, free only. If people have to pay for your app they will just skip it.
Might it work or not but please read some blogs related to these. thank you for share this information.
No sure why you bumped a year old thread.
Looking Good and Help full. Is that is free or Paid.