Push Notifications for gamesalad! Can we push for this ;)?

epicmanepicman Games DeveloperCrewe, United KingdomMember, PRO Posts: 21

Hello there,

Ill keep things short because it would be great to get your opinions more than my thoughts alone.

Basically, for a while now I've been needing Push notifications for an app (not quite a game) of mine, and without push notifications the app is a bit pointless. There are in game notifications, but it would be great for me if i could push them externally.

So how about you guys? Do you find that you could do with some push notifications to remind users about your apps, or even tell them that something is ready in game (similar to Clash of Clans), tell them about updates, events and so on? That would strongly help users make profits in games by allowing users to return to the app, and to make the app feel more robust. If you could post your thoughts and ideas that would be great ;).

Finally, if you do think it would be a great idea, then if you could click on the link below and raise awareness of the feature, I would be sincerely grateful and it would also help you in the future as GameSalad will be more aware of the demand. I know GameSalad has a tonne of work on their plate already, but still, great ideas need a raised awareness.



  • jack8ecretjack8ecret Member, PRO Posts: 6

    four years later...

  • pinkio75pinkio75 Member, PRO Posts: 1,217

    Present yes sure!
    but push notifications and many other features, are missing here...

  • smurftedsmurfted Member, PRO Posts: 586

    lol. we gave up asking for new things years ago..

    We count ourselves lucky if GS is even running stable as it is..

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    Actually looked at it a few weeks ago. I need to figure out a three part release:

    1) Whether an intermediate implementation that just enabled the push notifications API so that the app can show the popup and that's it. It wouldn't affect game state, but could be used to enable games to accept reminders from a server. I'm not sure this is possible, but based on my reading of the SDK it should work.

    2) What messages we should allow as part of the notification. I think the message will be something like a tableID / URL pair. If the app gets a notification, it will automatically do a get table from that URL and update the table specified.

    3) How to handle notification counters. It's the app's job to let the OS know what number to put on the counter. We could either send a count in 2 and make the server track it or we have a device attribute that constrains the counter. The game logic can then update that number or clear it out.

    The last big thing is whether to support one of the big notification services (Urban Airship, OneSignal, etc. Those require special SDK integration, but make the server side a bit easier.

    Anyway, we are looking at it. Just a few things in line first, as always.

  • muusimuusi Member, PRO Posts: 111

    Very much needed feature!

    Notifications can make a huge difference in player retention. A key metric that all game publishers follow closely.

  • smurftedsmurfted Member, PRO Posts: 586
    edited February 2020

    "we are looking at it", should i put that in my calendar? :p

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    Looking forward to using this...should make a big difference to player retention.

  • CasualEvolutionCasualEvolution Member, PRO Posts: 543

    Hi @patricia.brady I recently write this post: https://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/97794/local-notifications-seem-accessible#latest

    it's an even easier option, I'm going to push it again

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