Setting actor Alpha to 0 as default?
When I open the tab for the Actor where you can see what its colours are set to, (all Reals of 1), it won't let me click on them to edit them like with the Scene background colour. I can edit the Alphas with a pretty simple rule, but I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. Can I manually set the defaults, or do I have to set the Alpha rules to 0 on each thing manually?
I'm trying to kill the background on text boxes to make a fake drop-shadow effect using duplicate text on a layer beneath. Do I need to manually add a "If self.Alpha = 1, Do self.Alpha = 0" to everything, or am I just clicking the wrong places the wrong way?
Answered: I need to 'set a colour' I guess. The white it comes with doesn't seem to count. Works now, I have the alphas being set manually.