Need help with a letter/animal matching game
Hi there...
I need help with figuring out the letter/animal matching with tables for my current game. I'm interested in someone who can code it and include notes for my future use. PM me with your rates if interested and examples of your work.
something like this?
@dapion - that's probably more complex than what I'm looking for. But yeah, same idea with the logic/tables probably.
It would be - Cycle through images 1-26 and set self.image at random, then depending on whether the player touches/matches the correct letter/animal, it would state "good job" or "try again".
@uptimistik - thanks - I'll take a look
For example - it would be a find letter A (shows A on top left), then shows 26 letters below to touch/match. Once loaded it would state find the letter A, or whichever at random. Then the kid/player would touch the correct letter for a match. It would then continuously cycle through all 26 letters at the top left. Then I would just clone that for the same thing for an animal matching scene.
It's more of a trivia game then. There are also templates for that on I sent you a private message as well.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Ah. Didn't think of it like that. I'll take a look at those templates.
Thanks again - I figured it out after buying uptimistik's template off gshelper's marketplace. I didnt do it with tables as I wanted but whatever - it works with various attributes etc.