Load attribute does not work
Hi guys. I have 2 attributes; score and high score. In gameplay scene there is an actor to display score and save as attribute. When player lose, game over scene comes and there is the copy of score, under it a high score actor. Behaviors >> if score > high score >> change attribute high score to score. And save attribute high.score -> hghscr. In high score actor >> load attribute hghscr -> high.score and display high.score
I'm working on windows, I created an apk to test on my android device, in game there is no problem. I'm changing the scenes and the high score is always there but if I close game and enter again high score is gone.
What can I try to fix this ?
You need to load the attribute at the beginning of your game. In a main menu for example.
Also make sure that the keys match, and that you write the key straight into the text field, and NOT in the expression editor.
Mental Donkey Games
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I´ll give you a tipp...
work with tables, it´s the better and easier way.