Coming Real Soon Now (tm): Polygonal Collision & App Store GS Viewer

dgackeydgackey Austin, TXInactive, PRO, Chef Emeritus Posts: 699

Hey folks,

I know a lot of you have been wondering what we've been working on lately and @CodeWizard has been (true to form) knee deep in code, so he hasn't had a chance to update everyone on the latest and greatest, so I wanted to give you some updates on exciting stuff coming from The Kitchen:

First up is POLYGONAL COLLISION. We've got this working in a test branch right now and the way it's going to be implemented for 1.0 is that you will need to supply a series of JSON coordinates for your custom collision shape, but don't fear, we've found several free tools that do a bang-up job of generating this point data. The one we like the most is called Physics Body Editor, and it's free and Java-based so it's cross platform. Check it out here:

Second thing we want to mention is that we will soon be pushing the GameSalad VIEWER TO THE APP STORE and Google Play, so that it will be even easier for you to test your GS projects on devices. This is especially important for our PC users, as this will give you a way to test your games on iOS devices without needing to beg, borrow or steal a Mac to build the Viewer project and deal with all that signing hassle. We've got a whole slew of features planned for future Viewer updates as well, so stay tuned.

There's more top secret stuff in the works that's a bit too early to talk about yet, too, but I wanted to let you all know about these two big upcoming features.



Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · [email protected]



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