Simplest thing ever
Hi guys. I created a square and a stick so the stick should destroy when collided. I didnt add collide behaviors but I added overlaps or collides in rule and the a destroy actor behavior. So when it collides nothing happens. If I add a collide behavior out of rules, the stick hits and send my square and it doesnt destroy !!! I can make a attribute like lifetime 1 and when it collided lifetime-1 so when lifetime = 0 destroy actor it is a way but its not appropriate in my project. What can I do I just dont understand.
I tried second option and it didn't work
Could the problem is about computer or program ?
Its been tested many many times.
In stick actor
Collide or overlap with square
This will destroy stick. Are actors moving at a crazy high speed?
Something else in your rules are wonky. Or we need a better explanation.
Also, make sure that the rules are on the actor prototypes, and that the instances are not unlocked.
Mental Donkey Games
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