Mac Creator 1.23.1 is now available
Going forward, Web Publishing and the iOS and Android Viewers will now use the engine version instead of the Creator version when determining its compatibility with Creator. Due to this change, the 2nd number in our versioning scheme will represent the current version of the engine (and why this build is 1.23.1 instead of 1.0.1).
Fixed Android Viewer not sending game stats to Creator
In OS X 10.11, Creator will now Maximize instead of going Full Screen when clicking the green "stoplight" button on the upper left corner of the window
Removed "beta" from the Creator .dmg and iOS Viewer .zip
Further crash fixes and improvements
Get The Build: Here
Previous Release Thread for 1.0.0:
Previous Mac Release Notes:
What's the difference between engine version and creator version? Thanks.
In OS X 10.11, Creator will now Maximize instead of going Full Screen when clicking the green "stoplight" button on the upper left corner of the window
Excellent , this was a bit annoying
This means (I presume) that you don't need to install a new Viewer on your iPhone every time a new version of Creator is released. The Creator might have changes but the engine not. You'll still have to install a new Viewer when the engine version changes, but not the Creator.
The Creator is the app you make your games in, the engine is what actually powers the games and lets you run them. So they don't necessarily get updated at the same time.
This is very appreciated news, if I've understood it correctly!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
The engine version change means you only need a new viewer if we make a change to to the engine that isn't backward compatible, like adding a new behavior or changing the file format.
It'll mean a lot less monkeying around with the viewers whenever we update Creator.
I presume the third number in the sequence 1.23.1 still means the version increment for Creator?
PS : Thanks for the update.
. . . and the '23' part is the hours since the last version naming convention
Does this version solve the slow frame rate issue reported by @kirafu and others?
All my games on Google Play
Please update on this
Ditto, please please please provide an update on the FPS issues and loading issues!
POLAR ROLLOUT (New Line-Drawing Physics Puzzler!) - FREE Download
Just an FYI as to frame rates using the viewer. Just yesterday while doing some tests on an app, I noticed a nigh difference between the frame rate registered by creator while using the viewer and Xcode instruments. While the viewer showed my app running at 49-50. During an ad hoc test of the same app instruments showed it at 58-60. I think the creator data is inaccurate.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks @Lost_Oasis_Games ! In all honesty I'm still using one of the earlier 0.13 creator versions so I myself haven't experienced the said FPS dips yet (only increased loading times during ad hoc test). But from what @kirafu and others have mentioned multiple times I figured something strange was going on with the latest creator builds. Not sure if they were referring to ad hoc or not though
POLAR ROLLOUT (New Line-Drawing Physics Puzzler!) - FREE Download
Well the only thing that matters is how an ad hoc runs. This is always the true test. Which is why when I saw those frame rates in viewer I wanted a second I went and pushed out an ad hoc and booted up Xcode. I don't understand the load time issues either. I am working on some animation heavy apps right now. The last scene I did has 197, 720x568 images animated. I experienced nominal load times and have an excellent frame rate. The app is currently 200mb and I preload everything and still have nominal load times. I've never been a big fan of one scene games. This type of thing bypasses the garbage system that executes when a scene change happens.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
When adding or deleting images from GS creator it automatically saves , even if i exit the project without saving , its been this way ever since I used GS , is it possible to change that ? I deleted an image that i was using by mistake , so i exit GS without saving hoping that when i come back it would be there , but it wasnt there.Even if I add an image to the project , and exit without saving , when I come back the image is there. This might cause an issue if you didnt know about it , i remember once i wanted to publish for html5 and test my game so i wanted to reduce the file size , i deleted all the images that i didnt require at that moment , i test and then i exit without saving , to continue my project later on , when i opened my project again the images were all deleted, I had to re import everything back.
@Armelline @GeorgeGS Ok Thanks.
Really liking the latest iteration! And.... Wait for it (unrelated) I SOLVED THE UNIVERSAL BINARIES PROBLEM I WAS HAVING!!!!! Props to Lovejoy for the Overscan solution!
Found a bug in 1.23.1. No idea if this is new or already was there in 1.0.0.
(with demo file)
Values smaller than 0.1 are treated as if they were 0. One actor in the demo has the rule if 0.09 = 0 -> display text "bugged" and it does exactly that.
I just realized that this doesn't only happen with values below 0.1.
For example 1.18 is treated as if it was 1.1.
@Hoodloc this is not a bug please see comments on the bug
It doesn't actually save the project, it simply writes the image data to the file in real time as images are added or deleted, the rest of the project on your disk remains as it is until you save.
Yep, it can catch you out if you don't know how GS works in this regard, especially as pretty much every other application out there only modifies your file on disk when saving - the way around this, if you are about to do some deleting or adding of images, is to save your file (XX0037), then Save As (XX0038) and proceed with your image wrangling, if something screws up (and adding and deleting assets, images and audio can be very temperamental in GameSalad) you just need to dump XX0038 and go back to XX0037.
@Socks Yes , this is what I usually do now
@CodeWizard Any chance we'll get an update on all the current concerns?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
GameSalad has crashed around 3-4 times today for me. And it only occurred when I was previewing the game. I didn't lose any progress since I save a lot but still, it gets a little buggy when working. And also, sometimes whenever I preview my game, the preview is a black screen unless I refresh.
I get this every single time.
I've been using the lasted two build for hours straight and no crashes. A few minor hiccups during preview but other than that all is well.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Still interested.
Getting close to the point where I need to advise potential clients against using GameSalad. Loading times are longer than I can ever remember, HTML5 is largely broken. I'm not so worried about the frame-rate issue as I'm not seeing that in ad hocs. We're still seemingly no closer to custom collision shapes or custom fonts or video ads. Creator is becoming slower and slower again, and I'm having to work for noticeably more hours than I can justify billing. Undo is still missing weeks and weeks after it had to be removed.
I know you guys are working your asses off, but it feels like nothing is being done. Of course this isn't the case, but with complete radio silence recently, we don't know what is.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
I'm joining @Armelline. To me it feels like things are being hushed up.
Last thing I remember reading was that there's a lot of bug fixing going on but I've read that far to often now and to be honest things feel like they aren't progressing or even regressing. I won't waste time listing all things wrong right now, I've done that, others have done that. But for some reason there's absolutely no feedback at all.
I share the same frustration--just seems awfully quiet lately. I optimistically want to assume that great updates are in progress and I know bug fixes aren't as easy as they may seem, but I think even a simple response assuring everyone that these things are being investigated would help wash away some of the concerns that have been repeatedly expressed, particularly with ad hoc/creator performance.
POLAR ROLLOUT (New Line-Drawing Physics Puzzler!) - FREE Download
@BlackCloakGS @GeorgeGS and @QASalad et al.
I don't think I have complained before, but now I join the chorus with @Armelline , @Hoodloc and @supafly129 .
Every new release I get excited
and think that now that I have a stable build I can knock out a few updates and submit new projects that have been pending. But before I even attempt to do so, the Forum is awash with bug reports, crashes and complaints.
So I hold off and go back to website, photography or video work.
As my colleagues above say, it helps us keep the faith with regular reports of what's going on.
It's 20.00 Friday night in Texas now, so guess we won't hear anything until Monday?
I'm sure they are going through creator code
With 6,972,123 lines of code spread over 41,702 files. That’s equivalent to a book with 116,202 pages.
I hope they have a great weekend and hit the code hard on Monday.
and I think that only for windows creator