Can anyone help me with publishing my app to the new iTunes connect and TestFlight? I want to submit my app for beta testing so i have created a .ipa file as needed but get these error messages:
The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleVersion key.
The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleShortVersionString key.
Does anyone know what this could mean or know of a new tutorial that explains how to use the new system?
p.s I have all of the certificates, provisioning profiles and app ID stuff set up on my developers account.
See the yellow sticky with thunder child's publishing it covers test flight.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Here is a link to one of mu videos covering this as suggested by @Lost_Oasis_Games
This one is specifically covering testflight.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Thanks to both of you so much. Got it working now, you're savours.