File size way too big after publishing
When I'm working with my GS project file, the file size is only 24mb. I checked all images and they are fine. Once I publish it through IOS Universal build, the file size increases to 45 mb, and when I Ad HOC test it, the file size there is 55 mb. Don't know what the problem is, because even my loading images are around 100-200kb, so they are not the problem. As for Ads, I have enabled revmob and chartboost only(but I don't think this will cause the problem). I don't understand what the problem is seriously, or is it something from GameSalad's end?
Gamesalad adds around 10MB with all the back end stuff - wifi, game center and other stuff to make the app actually work
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Well I can understand it added 10mb(or even 15mb) for GameCenter and other stuff which should probably make it around 39mb, but where did the rest of the size come from? But anyways thanks @jigglybean ! I'll try to reduce image sizes even more.
If you have 2 ad providers, it will need to include both their SDK files too. So that could amount to an extra 5mb each there. Try removing one or both and see what happens
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Not really on the topic, but a good way to reduce the size of your project is to run your images (at least big ones) through to reduce the file size of your images.
Mental Donkey Games
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@jigglybean Just tried removing revmob interstitials and banners completely but the file size was the same since chartboost was still there(I'll now try removing both, but I doubt it would show any changes), and I guess integrating any ad will increase the size a little. Thanks.
@NipaDidIt Thanks, I'll try it out.
That is absolutely the wrong thing to do. The images in a published project are not PNG files, they are converted to an engine friendly format that is faster to load and render. Running them through TinyPNG just adds the possibility for quality loss and corruption.
The size of your project on your hard disk is generally related to how large a published package will be, but they will never be the same. If you are using resolution independence additional images will be created for the lower resolutions, so that will make your iOS projects larger when published as well.
@GeorgeGS Than you very much! The only problem was that my resolution independent option was turned on(it was actually the first time I was trying it out). But once I turned it off, I made my Payload ipa file and my file size reduced to about 29mb
I just hope the size stays 29mb when testing through testflight once the application loader upload is done.
@GeorgeGS Thanks for the insight. I was not aware of that.
Mental Donkey Games
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okay the file size is reduced by 13mb now after testing it through testflight, so now it shows 42mb. I just hope it doesn't stay 42mb when live on the app store.