did anyone face this problem with apple bank account set up (16 digit ) ?
im sorry if this isnt the right place to talk about this subject , but no one has answered me outside,
I just registered for apple developer account , when i want to set up my bank information it tells me that the bank account should be 16 digits , there isnt a single bank i know here that has 16 digits , all 8 to 11 , did anyone face this problem ?
No, did you send apple an email?
@RabidParrot Yes i did but they didnt reply , i didnt face this problem with google merchant account , i hope theres a solution
It might actually be looking for a credit card since those are 16 digit. Maybe review the selections/settings that came before the banking number request. Maybe the selected bank is actually a credit card department of that bank rather than the proper business-to-business.