[Visual Novel] Dispersio
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Dispersio will be our first project.
Site: http://footprintsoft.altervista.org/portale
Footprint On Twitter: http://footprintsoft.altervista.org/portale
Me: programmer, scriptwriter and director
My brother: character designer, drawer, songwriter.
“You're aunt is dying”
I love my family when they give me good news.
I perfectly remember that day...
An earth tremor.
No more light...
Nothing around me...
Suddenly a blinding light sorround me
then i realize that it isn't my world...
I don't want to say a lot about the plot because it's really important in a VN.
Other Info:
Go away! You're useless!...Or not?
Dispersio won't have gorgeous ladies who scampering everywhere, obviously there will be female character but they'll be normal people.
Ther will be soundtrack but we won't abuse of it we'll focus on the Sound Effect to help indentification. Anyone have a own soundtrack in the real life so also in Dispersio soundtrack won't be important.
In Dispersio there won't be a true main character because all the character will be important but obviusly one character will be more important than other but he won't be the hero because in Dispersio ther aren't any world to save, or any lost memory...
The plot will be the true main character of the game.
The first two chapter will be the introduction, they will destroy the peacefulness. After this first chapter the story will be divided in chapters. You must play every chapter different time to cover all the possible way and to understand the plot.
Dispersio will be set into a hypothetical futuristic cyber-punk world. There won't be any strange alien, or powerful android.
A Visual Nover without choose?
There will be obviously some chooses that will influence your understanding of the plot but without changing the end.
In Dispersio will be important HOW you get to the end and not what will happen when you'll finally reach it.
Dispersio Chapter 01 will be released on AppStore this month.
The first chapter will be an introduction to what will happen, from the second one the story will be so so so exciting.
The game will have only italian language but in a week, or two, you'll have the english version.
The two version will have the same price 0,79€/0,99$.
We'll try to keep the same price for all the chapters but if one or two chapter will be so, so, so longer the maximum price will be 1,59€/1,99$.
We must decide the price for the PC/MAC version.
Visit Our Site for some Screenshot.

PS: the background text is provisional.
Dispersio will be our first project.
Site: http://footprintsoft.altervista.org/portale
Footprint On Twitter: http://footprintsoft.altervista.org/portale
Me: programmer, scriptwriter and director
My brother: character designer, drawer, songwriter.
“You're aunt is dying”
I love my family when they give me good news.
I perfectly remember that day...
An earth tremor.
No more light...
Nothing around me...
Suddenly a blinding light sorround me
then i realize that it isn't my world...
I don't want to say a lot about the plot because it's really important in a VN.
Other Info:
Go away! You're useless!...Or not?
Dispersio won't have gorgeous ladies who scampering everywhere, obviously there will be female character but they'll be normal people.
Ther will be soundtrack but we won't abuse of it we'll focus on the Sound Effect to help indentification. Anyone have a own soundtrack in the real life so also in Dispersio soundtrack won't be important.
In Dispersio there won't be a true main character because all the character will be important but obviusly one character will be more important than other but he won't be the hero because in Dispersio ther aren't any world to save, or any lost memory...
The plot will be the true main character of the game.
The first two chapter will be the introduction, they will destroy the peacefulness. After this first chapter the story will be divided in chapters. You must play every chapter different time to cover all the possible way and to understand the plot.
Dispersio will be set into a hypothetical futuristic cyber-punk world. There won't be any strange alien, or powerful android.
A Visual Nover without choose?
There will be obviously some chooses that will influence your understanding of the plot but without changing the end.
In Dispersio will be important HOW you get to the end and not what will happen when you'll finally reach it.
Dispersio Chapter 01 will be released on AppStore this month.
The first chapter will be an introduction to what will happen, from the second one the story will be so so so exciting.
The game will have only italian language but in a week, or two, you'll have the english version.
The two version will have the same price 0,79€/0,99$.
We'll try to keep the same price for all the chapters but if one or two chapter will be so, so, so longer the maximum price will be 1,59€/1,99$.
We must decide the price for the PC/MAC version.
Visit Our Site for some Screenshot.

PS: the background text is provisional.
Look forward to it in English
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I'll let you know when it will be available on the App Store.
Some random info:
This first chapter will be a Visual Novel but with the second chapter the game will be a Visual Novel/AdventureGame
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I hope you'll enjoy this introduction then will looking forward also for the "real game"
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The english translation start today cause of some extra added to the game. We hope to release the english version as soon as possible.
Today we also start the second (and the real first one) chapter.
It will be available as soon as possible.
This first chapter will be an important intro to the huge world of Dispersio*.
The real game will start with the second chapter (as you can read in the news on IndieDB).
This first chapter will be a Visual Novel, with small Graphic Adventure Game component, that will introduce you to Dispersio, the Dispersio Spin-Off and the Comics.
It's a small size game (under 20mb) because we want that also who haven't got a wi-fi connection will be able to play this chapter.
The next chapter will be Graphic Adventure Game with Visual Novel elements and they'll have an higher size so the next chapter will look better then the first one (however this one look really better).
*we have also a PC/MAC game under construction (based on Dispersio world) and it won't be a Graphic Adventure Game and a contract with an Italian publishing house to publish a comics based on Dispersio (initially Dispersio was a comics but we decide to build this game)
The english version will be available in a week.
Looking forward to the English version!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
We're the 76 most profitable and 44th in TopBought adventure game on italian app store but we cannot read sales info because they're not available.
But we cannot belive that we sell a lot of copy so we'd like to know how app store classification work
Hopefully next updates will bring more chapters of the story. If new chapters will cost another 0.79€, my adventure in Dispersio will end here.
2nd: this first chapter, yes, haven't got a long time gameplay but we want to stay under 20mb.
3th: other game (like some RPGs) have a little 0,79€ preview but the full game cost 4/5€. The next chapter will cost 0,79€ but it will have a 4/6 hours of gameplay.
4th:we have an update forthis first chapter and it will add a lot of stuff.
I literally can't wait for your own game! At this rate it, it'll have the greatest graphics, music and gameplay, will contain hours of content and will be optimised to run on a ZX Spectrum!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
As of now, it runs on every gen devices.
Anyway, do I have to always say that gs games are great?
For me, the only games that as of now reaches the appstore standard, are bumps, the firemaple one (both, even if I prefer stunt squirell), and maybe the tshirtboot one too (didn't bought them though, so can't say much, but what I saw was nice).
The other all seems to lack something, and doesn't seems really polished. For me. Take your game, Attack of the Kraken. Apart from the graphics, there were A LOT of loading times between menu, which you could've done all in one scene. The games just start, and just end. When you start a level, it just load, and there's the ship moving. When you kill the last kraken, it just "stops" there, loading, score screen. The controls, at least to me, don't respond quickly. And the game is always the same, start to finish. Some krakens, kill them, go on. Some ufo stealing sheeps or tanks, kill them, go on. It quickly got ME, bored.
The graphics are great, musics too.
I'm a customer, I point out what's negative for me and what's good. The "let's see what you can do" doesn't have to be taken into account, or else no one could criticize anything. You put your game on the appstore, you get critics on your game, negative if it has something that isn't good, positive if everything is great.
But if you want, I'll just say that everything is great and fantastic, and let the guys at toucharcade point out the bad things for me.
If you want to improve, you accept critics. Your attitude seems the one of a guy who sold trillions of copies of his game, which, at least for now, you aren't.
About Dispersio, download it, and maybe you'll agree with me. The good intentions are there, you can see them in the game. Nice artwork, "nice" story, even if you can't say much about it, it's just a prologue. But it really takes no less than 5 minutes to finish it.
And, since I spent 0.79€, I decided to end it three other times. Following all the different paths.
One paths let you finish in less than a minute. Another one, the longest, maybe 4-5 minutes. The last one, 2-3 minutes. That's it.
And the game isn't that polished. If you press continuosly on the screen to skip the text (which you'll do, the third time you play it and you just want to see the different paths), the images doesn't appear. Just a black screen with the text showing up. There's no music. Just FX sounds, really good, but no music, and in a novel like this, I feel the need of some music, to help the player (me, in this case) to really get into the story.
Anyway, after I've played this, I don't think I will download the next chapter. I'll wait for an update to this, and when it will really make me interested, I'll consider to buy the next one.
>there were A LOT of loading times between menu, which you could've done all in one scene.
I could have, but the memory usage was not good enough. Changing to different screens was a practical decision to flush memory. EDIT: Additionally, when testing on a 3GS, the load times did not seem overly long to me. But that might just be me.
>The games just start, and just end. When you start a level, it just load, and there's the ship moving. When you kill the last kraken, it just "stops" there, loading, score screen.
There is a definite system to this. You start a level, and it shows you your objectives, and gives you a bit of a story. *Then* you go into the main level where there's the ship moving, yes. When you kill the last Kraken, you're right, it stops and shows a score screen. What did you want?
>The controls, at least to me, don't respond quickly.
Perhaps I've got used to them and didn't find it a problem? Others have mentioned the controls too, and it's something I'll look into. But it seems to be split 50/50 - some like 'em, some have issues with them.
>And the game is always the same, start to finish. Some krakens, kill them, go on. Some ufo stealing sheeps or tanks, kill them, go on. It quickly got ME, bored.
It's a retro game. Games had simple play mechanics back in the 80s, but I, and a few others, still enjoy them. I'm sorry it bored you. I tried to add variety to each level. Whether it's in the UFO types available, the scenery, the types of Kraken etc etc.
>Your attitude seems the one of a guy who sold trillions of copies of his game, which, at least for now, you aren't.
I'd argue that this is your attitude. It's very easy to criticise something, and I do take criticism and look into ways to improve things. Sometimes it's not possible, unfortunately. Other times, like the control scheme, I will look at and try and improve (just ask my testers!).
You may say 'It would be easy to have everything on one Main Menu screen.' Or that something isn't 'Polished'. Or that something is 'boring'. I could end up saying the same about your game. But I'll be fair and honest. When I see it.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
As of now, I'm working on a game for a client. You can see a topic of it here, it's called Samurai Kid. I just did the "coding" part, how the game should work, concept, graphics, musics, are all theirs. But I did my best to fit my standard, at least at the "building" part. All the menu, which are no less then kraken, are all in one scene, using just one actor, and no memory problems. There's "pause", dual control (tilt and d-pad in both landscape), highscore for each level, and it runs on both the devices I have at home at a constant 60 fps (an ipod touch 2g and an iphone 3gs).
I really like retro gaming. Mechanics were simple, but they were fun.
About the "it's very easy to...", it's not. Most people would just rate what they do not like 1 star, saying "it suck", and that's it. I take my time to tell you what's wrong for me, pointing out everything to help the developer to improve their game.
I never said "Hey man, your game is boring, make it fun!"
I said, "your game lack this, and this, and could be improved here and here, it could benefit from this."
I make games prepared that not everyone will like them. But if someone points out something that it's not polished, I'll change it no matter what. Then, if they still do not like it, maybe they do not like the mechanics of my games, maybe cause I made them poorly, maybe not, but there wouldn't be something I could do, if not trying to improve them.
I'll never, and I say NEVER, tell a customer "let's see what you can do". That would make me just arrogant.
I look forward to trying out your game.
As to the 'Let's see what you can do' part - we are on a developer forum, not Touch Arcade. I try and encourage people, not put them down.
Everyone here is making games.
So, when you criticise anyone's game and have nothing to show for it, I *will* be interested in what you've got out there, or in the pipeline.
I am *genuinely* interested in what you have to show, as a fellow developer.
I played a game a while ago, made with GS, that had an interesting menu. Everything was on one screen, and you had to move around to see everything.
Technically it was a masterpiece. On a practical level, I couldn't even tell where the start button was!
Everyone has their own ideas about how to do things, and what is good and what isn't.
I wish you the best with your game. The screenshots look good. Is it a 'hit the objects as they drop from the top of the screen' game?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
It doesn't really resemble what a game for me should be like, but it does what the client wanted, and it's enjoyable for what it is. And it keeped me hooked, even if only for little.
The menu too, is basic. The client gave me the various screen of the menu, with the basic start, choose level, option, credits, and I make it so that it was only one actor. It's pretty simple too, just check, when the touch is pressed, the coordinates of the touch, if they are between some X and Y coordinates, do that or that or that. It's not "easy" to set up, but it takes only a little more to achieve something really much more enjoyable, and fast.
i understand that this is a developer forum, but what developers are doing is just publicizing their game, hoping to get customer here too, or reviews with promo codes. What's different from what people do on toucharcade? Nothing.
I never criticize the concept of someone game in a topic where they explained what the game is about, nor when they ask for help with their game.
I criticize (sometimes positive, sometimes negative), on topic made just to publicize the game, the one like "My game is on Itunes", with a link to it.
Encouraging people is not only be positive. for me, it's pointing out what's wrong. I'll take polygame and his max vector as an example. No one told him that the ship was "jumping" from point to point, or that the performance wasn't really great even on 3gs, not even betatesters, until I pointed it out. It was a big problem, and surely it lead to worst sales. He couldn't do much about it at that point, but surely he will not overlook it in his next game (which I'm looking forward to, as I really enjoyde max vector design and style).
Saying always "That's great!", will do no help. If the game lack something, it will not sell well. As developers who are sharing the same engine, we should help the other to improve their work, better sales for them, better reputation for the engine.
Like you, and probably others, think, will do no good to anyone, nor the developer of the game nor the other gamesalad user.
I'll talk in italian since I think I'll not make myself clear in english
I miei complimenti all'artista.
Come ho già detto, per quello che offre il gioco al momento, sento di aver buttato 0,79 centesimi, che sono pochi, ma troppi per Dispersio Start, se consideriamo altri giochi sull'appstore a quel prezzo.
Da acquirente, mi sento in dovere di dirvi quali sono i difetti oggettivi del gioco. Sinceramente, avrei rilasciato questo piccolo assaggio (perché di piccolo assaggio si tratta) gratuitamente, di modo da raggiungere il maggior numero di persone. Così facendo, avreste sicuramente trovato qualcuno disposto a pagare per i capitoli successivi, sicuramente piu' ricchi e longevi.
Dopo aver provato Dispersio Start, la voglia di acquistare nuovamente altri capitoli mi è passata, e se vi scrivo questo è solo per aiutarvi. Un acquirente che compra Dispersio Start, ci penserà due volte a comprare un altro capitolo, in quanto com'è ora, il gioco lascia eccessivamente l'amaro in bocca (ammetterete, visual novel o no, pagare il prezzo di un angry birds per 5 minuti di gioco, lascia l'amaro in bocca). Se fosse stato gratis, il parere sarebbe stato molto diverso, e quasi sicuramente avrei acquistato il secondo capitolo.
No harm done, eh?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Sorry for that Neverbe.
I just wanted to make myself clear, QS, hoping you'll refrain from being ironic in that, for me offensive, way again
Glad you understood. Would be good to know why you don't agree, but this is not the right place to do it.
Looking forward to an update for the kraken and to your next game, hoping it will not suffer for the same problems I noticed. If the artist is always Ian, probably I'll buy it anyway
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Personally, I LOVED Kraken (still do, in fact). I've been gaming since 1982 and Kraken brought back a whole heap of good memories as well as creating new ones! I had no issues with the controls at all, in fact... I want to steal them for an up and coming project... maybe just too challenging for you?
And I'm not just saying this because QS is a GS dev... there are a load of crap GS titles... I tend to keep my mouth shut though as there is no point trying to make someone feel bad about what they've put a lot of time into - I'll leave that to the 14 year olds on Touch Arcade. But Kraken isn't one of those cases, in my opinion it's a bloody great standalone game, GS or not.
Back to the game at hand - I'm still looking forward to the english version - I just think it 'looks' awesome!
We'll see!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
As I said, if someone make constructive critics about my game, I'll not feel bad, I feel great, knowing that maybe I can improve my game, making it more appealing for people!
About the too challenging part, I had finished yours v1.0, where there was parts with big bad guys with big big bullets and with big big lag with one life after a few tries, no kraken was that hard
Sorry again If I invaded Neverbe topic, but I wanted, once again, to make myself clear (even more to Neverbe, hoping he and his team will not feel bad for what I said, promise next time I'll tell everyone that their game is great, to not start this again). Polygame, you should already have my email for anything else.