Mac Creator Release 0.13.36 is available
Mac Creator Release 0.13.36 is available
Fixed a crash when using a Timer inside of a Loop behavior. Note: Timers inside of Loops still won't work as per Loop's behavior description but this will resolve the crash.
The Platform attribute "Model" will now return a Mac computer's model name (i.e "MacBookPro8,2") instead of the CPU architecture.
Fixed a crash with RevMob and iOS apps when either Location Services was turned off or there was no network connection
Updated HTML5 Preview to fix an issue with the TableColSum function not working
Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a project
Fixed a crash when attempting to upload a project to Web Publishing
Fixed a crash with the expression editor
Further crash fixes and stability improvements
Well done. Seems like you guys are smoking out all those pesky bugs.
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GameSalad has always been about smoke and mirrors.
Tons of crashes since I updated. No pattern... it's crashed doing all sorts of things.
I only see two BugSplat crashes for the new version so far. Can you give any more details since we don't seem to be getting the reports.
No rhyme or reason... switching between editing actors... in the middle of adding a rule... switching between actors and scenes...I know I've sent at least 3... and I do see the bugsplat icon when it happens, so they SHOULD be going to you.
can you pm with the email address you are logged in with?
Fantastic work! Updating now ... I am about to port one of my games to MAC. Since we got a free MAC developer account from Apple I might as well use it. I am pretty sure MAC apps don't support Game Center, IAP or tweet sheet. I just wanted to confirm that this is still the case and nothing has changed. If someone can confirm this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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@BlackCloakGS I'm PMed you the info.
is it any project or are you crashing more with one particular project?
I created a new project and was working on a project for a tutorial and it kept crashing. A couple of times I saw the BugSplat... other times I didn't.... or maybe I missed it. It's been a LONG day.
can you send me the project?
1) Doesn't post image to Twitter
2) Doesn't open openURL:mailto when there are spaces in text string, for example this will work:
And this will not:
"?subject=New Highscore&body=Check This Game"
Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs –
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Also please make Facebook share ASAP! Thanx!
Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs –
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Try to constrain global variable, and then constrain the object's desired property to this variable.
Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs –
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As far as I know, that hasn't worked for a LONG time. It's not a new issue unless it was recently fixed.
you do have to make sure the image name starts with TWEETSHEET or TWITTER I forget which
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Thank you!
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Yeah I had it working for a project I did a few months ago... > @jonmulcahy said: || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Hmm... Wonderful update, except that I could not quit GS...? Happened twice. Has NEVER happened before. Had to force quit GS. Straaaange... Also at one point today the Preview button didn´t work. Had to restart creator. But no crashes so far!
Also, my "Open Recent Projects" got wiped clean.
You should encode your urls, spaces are a "%20" --> Wikipedia
very good update! thx GameSalad
my apps:
@BlackCloakGS working from yesterday never crashed Thanks for the update
Keep it up!
@BlackCloakGS I started the project over from scratch and haven't crashed yet... so, problem.... not fixed, but mitigated.
Thanx man!!
Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs –
Other games -
Thanx!! I will try it!
Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs –
Other games -
I had a couple of crashes at seemingly random times too. Not had that in previous versions. Must be like a game of whack-a-mole with these crash bugs
Edit: Seem to mostly be getting crashed on Preview.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Still on 0.13.33 and still 100% satisfied
Same here, its a really stable build
wow version have unexpected crash often. please fix it