release problems
Hey GS community,
I am finally ready to release my extremely underwhelming app but I cant seem to get past the signing part of the publishing process when I hit the sign button it takes me to a new tab and then sits at a blank screen for a while
I have tried uploading it through my android developers console directly but it will not accept the apk
please help I would like to release before I leave the country tommorow.
thanks krewic gaming
Usually clicking sign in the web interface should take you to the Creator app and pop up the apk signing window. If not, you can click the download button and save the apk somewhere then bring up the signing window manually from the tools menu.
@GeorgeGS would it work better if I tried on a mac?
Nope it works fine on Windows. You'll just have to go to GS->Tools->APK Signer.
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@tintran thanks I'm almost there you wouldn't happen to know where I could maybe download the zipalign do you? its the only piece I'm missing.
thanks again
Zipalign is part of the Android build-tools package. Once you have that installed as part of the Android SDK you would find it in a directory like
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\build-tools\22.0.1
. The number might be different depending on the version of build-tools you have installed.