Doodle Dash! Now Available on AppStore (Promo Codes!)

After 7 days "Waiting For Review" and 2 days "In Review", Doodle Dash! is finally Ready For Sale on the Appstore.
First some screenshots, a gameplay video, and then PROMO codes at the end (as well as a description of the game).

Gameplay Video:

Promo Codes:
If all these get used, I'll issue up to five more... If you take one, please let everyone know which one you took and PLEASE take a moment to give me a star rating. I would greatly appreciate that.
More Information:
In Doodle Dash! , you guide a hyperactive creature named "Dash" through the Doodle forest to collect as many gems as you can before getting caught by the monsters. You'll wade past evil flying bunnies, fireball-blasting cyclops, and collect gems and special stars (which Dash hasn't quite decided if he likes or not).
Before you know it, you'll be struggling to beat your friends' and even your OWN score in this easy-to-learn, but hard-to-master game for all ages.
- easy to learn tilting, non button-pushing, ADDICTIVE gameplay
- challenging no-end play mode that keeps getting harder and harder
- challenging, but undeniably "cute" enemies (with more to be added in later updates)
- checkpoints for an extreme score boost (as a reward for getting that far)
- combo points for not passing gems by
- stars to grant you "good luck" or even "bad luck" on your journey
- play through two rounds and get a combined "final score" of the two
- keep track of your highest scores
How to play it:
-Tilt to move Dash left or right
Please take a moment to check my game out and take a promo code if you're willing to leave a review.
Thanks to all in the GS community, and to Gendai for producing the exceptional piece of software that is Gamesalad.
First some screenshots, a gameplay video, and then PROMO codes at the end (as well as a description of the game).

Gameplay Video:

Promo Codes:
If all these get used, I'll issue up to five more... If you take one, please let everyone know which one you took and PLEASE take a moment to give me a star rating. I would greatly appreciate that.
More Information:
In Doodle Dash! , you guide a hyperactive creature named "Dash" through the Doodle forest to collect as many gems as you can before getting caught by the monsters. You'll wade past evil flying bunnies, fireball-blasting cyclops, and collect gems and special stars (which Dash hasn't quite decided if he likes or not).
Before you know it, you'll be struggling to beat your friends' and even your OWN score in this easy-to-learn, but hard-to-master game for all ages.
- easy to learn tilting, non button-pushing, ADDICTIVE gameplay
- challenging no-end play mode that keeps getting harder and harder
- challenging, but undeniably "cute" enemies (with more to be added in later updates)
- checkpoints for an extreme score boost (as a reward for getting that far)
- combo points for not passing gems by
- stars to grant you "good luck" or even "bad luck" on your journey
- play through two rounds and get a combined "final score" of the two
- keep track of your highest scores
How to play it:
-Tilt to move Dash left or right
Please take a moment to check my game out and take a promo code if you're willing to leave a review.
Thanks to all in the GS community, and to Gendai for producing the exceptional piece of software that is Gamesalad.
I left a great review could you do the same for my app please.
It's called Mad Pops
I'll be sure to take your promo code and leave a review! Thanks again!
Overall good job on the app and good luck!
Thanks for your comments. At first I was going to have it to where you could walk straight but it made it really difficult to move. I AM going to do some accelerometer and performance tweaks in version 1.1 though so stay tuned for that. In the meantime it definitely works. I was able to get a 40,000+ score in it :-) My goal is currently 50,000.
As far as the main menu screen, there isn't one on the retry screen because you can access a new game as well as the high scores page from the retry screen. I can either add a 'Home' link so people can see the instructions again, or I might just add a 'Help Me' button the retry screen.
Thanks for taking the time to take a promo code and for giving me your suggestions!
Rated the game, but now for the real commentary
I really, REALLY wish GS had some kind of leader board, or at the bare minimum posting to Twitter and/or Facebook because honestly that's my personal motivation for playing many games (such as Doodle Jump): beating my friends' scores.
I hope Gendai has something of that sort in 0.9.0... that's going to be the difference between me upgrading to Pro anytime soon. I've heard mention of a twitter behavior so hopefully that goes through...
Thanks again for the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.
Anymore takers?
(P.S. If you take my promo and leave me yours, I'll definitely be happy to review yours as well)
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available (new ones near the end of the thread)!
By the way, is there any way to check and see which ones have been taken from iTunes Connect?
As for checking the codes, you can't with iTunes connect, you just have to try to redeem a code and if it asks you to put in your password, it's still good. Otherwise it will say it's already been taken. Also, it can sometimes take many hours for reviews to show up. In addition to that, sometimes iTunes will not let you rate for a few hours. I've had that issue and others here have reported the same (say's you have to own the app before rating). This sometimes take a day to clear up. No idea what's up with that.
I'll drop a review this afternoon.
Could you take a go at my newest game? There are still codes near the end of the thread (and I can post more).
@design219 - Thanks a lot for the info, and for leaving a review! (when you do). I took your promo, its downloading now so I'll leave a review once I finish playing it... and finish feeding my 4 month old lol
And for those who had annoyances with the tilt controls in Doodle Dash! I've been working on v1.1 and the controls are MUCH, MUCH better (and yes, you can stop moving if you keep the accelerometer still).
Thanks again everyone, the last few codes I put up are still available... anymore takers!
I dopped you a review as well, nice game, love the cute graphics. I look forward to your update, I guess I would have to echo what others are saying just a bit. But nice work and best of luck with sales.
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
As far as I know, the promos below are still available, anymore takers?
Will give a good review
Here is a code for mine, please do the same
Just some thoughts
I will review in app store, please do the same for me.
I'll definitely download your app and give a review for you. Thank you very much for the suggestions. I already fixed the accelerometer and fixed/adjusted quite a few things but am still adding on more before uploading the next version. Keep the game installed if you're interested in seeing what's in 1.1.
I'm off to download your app now.
Thanks again!